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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Salisbury, Maryland Police Department (Part II)


  1. They just can't resist making themselves targets.

  2. Note to students: The next time you have a 7 to 2 advantage over 2 rogue SPD mercenaries acting illegally, kick some heads, cuff'em with their own cuffs, add a few faceplants for good measure and leave them bleeding for their murder fraternity brothers in blue just like they do to you!

  3. Good idea anon 12:15 PM

    Could not have said it better...

    it is time for and eye for and eye with these pos cops...

    If you don't stand up now, it will be to late to fix or reverse anything...

    ALWAYS REMEMBER two things...
    WE OUT NUMBER ALL OF THEM (we as citizens out number all military, and federal agents and cops local or not when they are combined)

    We can easily take back our country with guns if the american people were not pussies like the cops are...

    I am not calling for all of that, I am calling for recording cops always and don't offer them or their families or friends service in any place and eventually they will get set straight when they cant buy food or gas or anything and especially when they have to hear it from friends and family even more...

    Thinks can be changed or fixed if you ACTUALLY true wanted it to and sadly america doesn't give a crap about this country nor their friends nor family let alone their own damn selves... and that is why you people are getting beat and shot for nothing... for nothing!!!!!!!!@!

  4. 12:44, I'm warning you for the very last time. IF you send me another comment with a curse word in it I will instantly reject it and no longer correct it. This is your last warning as I'm pretty confident I know who you are.

  5. This is old news, so why is it being re-visited?

    Notice the cop told him to back up and turn the camera off, then arrested him... for?

  6. @12:44 ALWAYS REMEMBER ONE THING..Don't commit a crime and you wont have to film anyone.

  7. 1:23 must be a cop. How stupid.
    "don't commit a crime and you won't have to film anyone." Hint: the people FILMING have rarely been the one who committed the crime.
    1:23...ALWAYS REMEMBER ONE THING --- the law is for EVERYONE.
    here's a second one -- the Supreme court has ruled that it is entirely LEGAL to film the police in public as long as no one interferes with police business (and its a stretch to say that someone filming cops from 20-30 feet away is "interfering").
    But, if you listen to cops, the sun going behind a cloud is "obstructing justice", or "interfering". They just haven't found a way to ticket God, or bring him into some kangaroo court.
    Poor things. Like other gangs, they like to operate unseen, but unlike other gangs, never go to jail for murder.
    Oh. I know. 99% of all police killings are deemed "justified".
    By the police.
    When will they let crack dealers investigate themselves?

  8. need more training...

  9. Cops that have an attitude problem like this should be stripped of their issued equipment to do harm and only given their uniform a vest and a bag of lolly pops and told to go investigate down church street until their attitude problem is solved.

  10. When you have a police chief who can't tell the truth and submits phony crime stats to ucr what do you expect from the officers. What is needed is for the Feds to come in and conduct a full investigation.


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