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Thursday, January 08, 2015

1,191 illegals from terrorist states caught trying to cross U.S border in 2014. How many did we miss?

We keep hearing the border is as secure as it’s ever been. Is that a fact or a politicized pipe dream?

Most likely the latter, according to CNSNews.com who says, “The Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection reports that in fiscal year 2014 (Oct. 1 through Sept. 30) agents apprehended 1,191 individuals from 12 of the 14 countries that DHS and the State Department have considered as countries that have problems with terrorism.”

“In December, CBP released its apprehension statistics for 2014, which show that of the 486,651 apprehensions, 257,473 were from countries “other than Mexico.” Of those apprehended from countries “other than Mexico,” CBP provided CNSNews.com the countries of origin of those taken into custody. Of those from countries “other than Mexico,” 1,191 were from 12 countries – Iran, Sudan, Cuba and Syria (state sponsors of terror), and Afghanistan, Algeria, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen (“countries of interest”) – designated by the federal government to have terrorist links.



  1. There is a few in the White House...

  2. I'd say we probably missed about
    2,658,599, since Mr. White House will not let anyone secure the borders.


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