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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Republican Commerce Committee Chair Won’t Rule Out Gas-Tax Hike

(CNSNews.com) -- Incoming Republican Senate Commerce Chairman John Thune (R-S.D.) will not rule out a gas-tax hike as a means to replenish the Highway Trust Fund, according to his press office and his own comments on Fox News.

On Jan. 4, on Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace asked Senator Thune, “One of the big items on your agenda is the fact that you have to find a way to finance the transportation bill, which would pay for upkeep of our highways and the public transit system. With gas prices now under $2.50 a gallon, would you favor increasing the gas tax?”

“Well, I don’t favor increasing any tax, Chris, but I think we have to look at all the options,” said Thune. “We obviously have a big delta we have to meet. The highway bill expires at the end of May and there’s about a hundred billion shortfall of what it would take to fund the highway trust fund at the current level of operation.”

“So, obviously, we’ve got to deal with it here,” Thune said. “And I think there’s a number of ways you could deal with that, and those discussions continue. I think we’ll get to a resolution on that, but it is important we fund infrastructure, and our committee deals with that, as well as planes, trains and automobiles, all those issues.”



  1. The problem hasn't been with the collection of funds for the highways, it's been about spending what's collected for the highways.

    Sure am glad I left MD.

  2. 9:07 hey dude cant run from this tax ..its national did you not read the article...But this is just like I stated earlier. With Bohner Bonehead back in charge its business as usual...he is a RINO...long live the tea party

  3. ".. I think we have to look at all the options,” said Thune." Damned right you do Johnny. And, "”.. at the current level of operation.”" Forget the tax Thune and work on reducing waste, fraud and perks.
    This guy sounds more like a liberal [tax & spend, throw money at it] Dem then what I'd expect out of the GOP. The first sign of economic relief in years and these jerks want to rutting tax it.
    I'm telling you, I am not satisfied, AT ALL, with what I'm seeing out of the Republicans and am ready to see them all tossed in favor of a GOP or Tea Party challenger.

  4. Thune must still believe we're idiots who aren't paying attention. ENOUGH ALREADY ON THE TAXES, FEES, REGS AND ANYTHING ELSE THAT'S GOING TO COST US MORE MONEY!!!

  5. I sent corker a nasty email also WTF are they thinking. And this guy is a republican? ??


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