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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Rand Paul: 'We Could Try Freedom for a While'

(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says the new Republican-led Congress will vote to repeal all of Obamacare. And when President Obama vetoes that, they'll vote to repeal parts of Obamacare.

And what happens if Republicans are successful in repealing Obamacare? Fox New's Greta Van Susteren asked the senator Monday night.

"We could try freedom for a while," Paul responded. "We had it for a long time. That's where you sell something and I agree to buy it because I like it. That is how we operate in most of rest of the marketplace other than health care. Now the president has said you can only buy certain types of health care that I approve of, and anything I don't approve of, you are not allowed to purchase. We could try freedom. I think it might work. It works everywhere else."


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