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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Welcome To The Eastern Shore


  1. That driver is smart. Only roll your windows down enough to pass documents! Know your rights! Check points are illegal and unconstitutional! Ask if your suspected of a crime? And never answer their questions with anything except "I don't answer questions"! Then ask if your free to be on your way ! That's all. Remember to record your interactions on your phone. Remember folks cops don't like it if you know your rights! You may piss off one who doesn't care. You may be arrested. But you will be rich!

  2. If the cop lawfully commends an action, you are required to comply. For instance, if the cop lawfully commends a driver to roll down their window and the driver doesn’t comply. The officer can arrest the driver for obstruction of justice and failure to comply.. and you wont get rich.!!

    1. That's the conformed way of thinking! A person has the right to free travel first! And a person has a right to not engage in conversation with a police officer period! You may incriminate yourself! Thank you very much officer for your attempt decieve the public.

  3. The only way a cop could lawfully command a driver to roll down their window is if they were suspected of a crime or for police safety, whatever that means. I tell the cops at these checks that they should be working and not violating my 4th Amendment Right against illegal searches. If I have not done anything wrong or am suspected of doing anything wrong the government should not be looking in my car.

  4. You see 5:13 its the attitude you have thats wrong....obstruction? Failure to comply?..of what? Invasion of my privacy..for starters..i didnt do anything wrong but run into your illegal detainment. Youll never convince me its not a total voilation of our rights and hence illegal to start with...

  5. Its not a violation of any rights morons its about the safety of those of us who OBEY the law........the drunk driver they take off the road is one less for me and my family to worry about.....

    1. Baaaaa! You stupid sheep! Your flock is not here!

    2. You are an indoctrinated moron. The constitution states check points are illegal searches under the 4th amendment.

  6. It’s amazing how many people claim they know the law and know their rights. But actually don’t have a clue about what’s legal and illegal. As long as checkpoints are detailed to the public before conducted they are legal. There are so many lawyers and judges on this site with no one attending law school or taking any law classes. Like 5:26 and 5:30.. Hey don’t believe me.. Put my words to the test and refuse to roll down your window. Obstruction of justice-the criminal offense of obstructing the administration and process of the law, Failure to comply with order or signal of police officer- No person shall fail to comply with any lawful order or directions of any police officer invested with authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic.

    1. I will ask this again what constitutes a lawfull order? What is not a lawfull order? At what point has an officer gone beyond a lawfull order? Is it lawfull for an officer to tell me to lie down face first in a puddle of mud? And if I refuse what happens?

    2. The very fact that you must ask what constitutes a lawful order or command is a prime example of not knowing laws.. rights.. and responsibilities..

  7. Go ahead butthole, keep screwing with armed men with legal impunity. We'll come to your funeral. When are you morons going to get it. Stay out of harms way and live to play another day.

    1. Did George Washington stay out of harms way for our rights and freedoms? Need I start the list ????
      The only harm is the police and your thought process. Obama has started a revolution. People have watched that man single handedly wipe his ass with our rights and liberties! Now everything is suspect! I will not allow this country to bow down and be run by the likes of Hillary Clinton Obama and yourself! I WILL DIE FOR MY AND YOUR FREEDOM'S BEFORE THAT HAPPENS!
      Let me guess???? Your ready to hand over your guns next, aren't you!

    2. I dare you to make a relevant point without using liberal. Obama. And Democrat.

  8. Point is folks! Give an inch they take a mile and a third of your pay check! Let this go.....then what?

  9. If you are stopped in a DWI checkpoint, you are only required to answer questions pertaining to your identity—such as your name and address, for instance. While the officer may ask to see your driver’s license and proof of insurance, you are not obligated to answer any questions regarding your past or future activities. In fact, if the officer does ask such questions, it is best to positively decline to answer them, as anything you say can be used as evidence against you if you are arrested.

  10. Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary security, deserve neither security nor liberty.

  11. If I come across a sobriety checkpoint, there’s no way I can avoid it - Actually, you don’t have to participate in these checkpoints at all. Drivers can’t be arrested for turning around to avoid it – in fact the police department must give people an alternative to turn around if they don’t want to be stopped.

    If I’m stopped, I need to do everything the police offer says -
    This is a common misconception. Believe it or not, drivers aren’t required to follow all instructions given by the officer. If stopped, you don’t even have to roll your window down! You are allowed to speak to the officer through the window. This brings us to our next myth…

    When speaking to the officer, I have to answer all questions asked - This one isn’t entirely true either. You are only required to answer questions related to your identity like your name, address, etc. While you may be asked for your license and registration, you don’t have to answer questions about your reason for driving. In fact, it’s probably better not to answer questions about your past and future activities because anything you say to the officer could be used as evidence against you if you’re arrested.

    1. Either you people are dumb ,stupid or just uneducated. If you must exit your vehicle when commanded. What makes rolling down your window any different??

    2. I've sent Joe several videos on your very points! I hope he post some. Like border check points 100 miles away from the border! And yet another right down the road. Or a man walking minding his business has guns drawn for " fitting a description that 7 others do as well. And still detain him after they know its not the perp! Cops and politicians along with the media around here need to wake up! The corruption of past councils actions of local police violating a child and the treatment of people whom speak their political voice has gained some attention elsewhere!

    3. An alternative turn around? The fire fighters here locally will run up to the cops and show them when a person turns before the check point and a cop speeds off and will still pull your ass over. Then asks questions like why did you turn off when you saw the check point! Keep giving up your liberties sheep!

  12. Yep eastern shore mentality never stops amazing me with its ignorance........you all know so much about so little........makes me laugh....

    1. And that's a problem! When will our school system educate students in a manner this will never be an issue again?

  13. drive the speed limit ,have a decent safe car with current insurance license and tags and seat belt on.never been any problems with me being stopped.most but not all the time i have been at fault speeding and being decent to the officer i have avoided a ticket thank goodness.they have a tough job to do.and all this ferguson and ny crap just makes it worse

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Its not a violation of any rights morons its about the safety of those of us who OBEY the law........the drunk driver they take off the road is one less for me and my family to worry about.....

    December 23, 2014 at 5:50 PM

    It has NEVER been about safety. It is about money and asset forfeiture.

  15. If more people understood their rights things like unreasonable searches and seizures would not occur at the rampant degree that they do today. The founding fathers didn't include anything in the documents that they wrote with regard to implied authority to violate rights based on "safety". I wonder why? Because a violation of a right is a crime! If those who think you should waive your rights because you have nothing to hide then maybe you should just go ahead and do so but don't think I will simply do the same. The government was supposed to be by the people and for the people not by the kings word and for the money.


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