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Sunday, December 28, 2014

PSA Encourages Kids To Steal Parents’ Guns And Turn Them In To Teachers

A provocative public service announcement released by a San Francisco-based production company encourages children to put themselves at risk and commit a slew of crimes by stealing their parents’ guns from home and turning them in at school.

In the anti-gun ad, published Dec. 13 by Sleeper 13 Productions, a boy who appears to be in his early teens is shown walking up the stairs of his home and wandering into his mother’s bedroom.

The boy is shown opening the drawer to his mother’s dresser, where a handgun is hidden.

The boy takes the gun from the dresser and leaves the room. The ad then flashes to his school. Sitting in a classroom, the boy ventures up to his teacher’s desk after the rest of his classmates have left.

The tension building in the scene breaks, and the boy produces the gun from his backpack, slamming it on his startled teacher’s desk.

“Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house,” the boy says.

More here


  1. Yeah, this pisses me off!!

  2. Sure, the kid takes a gun to school, and then what.

  3. So are we going to blame SLEEPER 13 PRODUCTIONS for the next shooting at a school, since they are encouraging the kid to bring the gun to school?

  4. They should be shot for producing such a propaganda piece. This is wrong on so many levels I do not know where to start other than saying its California what do you expect.

  5. MSEA (the teachers union in Maryland)is almost as radical and equally liberal.

  6. 12:10 yeah, if the kid listened to them.

  7. These are government/public schools. You mean your children are still in this corrupt, failing, indoctrination school system? Why??? Only One opportunity to EDUCATE your children. Do it right. You're responsible; no one else.

    1. $$$$$$$$$h! Was ain't all rich.

  8. Teaching children to bring guns to school...Some psa producer is asking for another sandy hook on their hands. Preaching to children to outright wave a right going to teach them that they have none. Once that kids mom gets raped or beaten up by her dead beat husband (inference on the situation) to find that her right to keep and bear arms has been infringed apon by the public education system she trusted to teach her child.

    1. Another sandy hook? Are we back to believing that?

  9. He takes a gun rapped in a rain bow flag to a female teacher with chin hair and an adams apple. I love Frisco. That turd bowl needs to go right after detroit

  10. they should be asking for their parents illegal or medicinal drugs!


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