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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Tensions High in St. Louis Suburb After Police Shoot Man Who They Say Drew Gun on Officer

Protesters clashed with police in a St. Louis suburb Tuesday night after an 18-year-old man was shot by an officer who said the suspect drew a firearm on him.

The deceased was identified as Antonio Martin by his mother, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. He was shot in Berkeley County, a community close to Ferguson where a controversial grand jury decision led to riots in November.

According to the St. Louis County police, an unidentified Berkeley, Mo. officer was conducting a routine business check at a Mobil gas station when he noticed two individuals on the side of the building.

When approached, police said one of the men pulled a handgun and pointed it at the officer. The officer, who feared for his life, fired multiple shots at the individual, killing him, according to the St. Louis County police.



  1. Get armed people its coming.

  2. At least the officer will be able to share Christmas with his family.

  3. The black youth have been taught by the vocal race baiters and liberal media that they are above the law and being black is an entitlement.

  4. Officers now carry their service weapon, a personal weapon or two concealed, and a plant weapon with no serial numbers. When dealing with this crowd, it's a must.

  5. Good shoot. No doubt about it even the witnesses at scene back the police officers account. Now let us watch the fall out. The lies. Al is on his way because no one in NY will talk to him. He looks like he might have aids. I can only hope so.

  6. This black youth brought this on himself the Police have right to protect themselves.

  7. But according to the black people I saw debating on fox news last night it's whitey's fault. It was a male and female who claimed that this country needs "to talk" about inherent racism. They offered NOTHING in the way of what blacks should be RESPONSIBLE for.

  8. Be careful folks. Just because the cop said he had a gun don't make it so. Hope he did but sadly we can't trust cops. Waiting till the whole truth and nothing but the truth comes out.

  9. The officer should be disciplined for missing his target two our of three times.


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