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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Top 9 Chem Trail Health Effects – HAARP Congress Counts On

This winter of discontent, the New England states have been hit with one after another particularly strange snowstorms. The previous 2007-08 winter was also similar. The snow smells full of chemicals, as it comes down uniformly and looks like manufactured snow that is used on ski slopes (i.e., fluffy, packed powder). Sometimes, the falling snow stops abruptly, and does not trail off, as it used to do. It is definitely not the same snow that, for millions of years, used to be provided by Mother Nature, in all her magnificence.

Snow is now provided by the US military, the Pentagon, and commercial planes especially equipped to dump on us highly toxic aerosols, from various altitudes. No doubt, these chemical mixtures are created in some secret US bio-weapons laboratory. With enormous egotistical hubris, the Air Force is already on record as saying that they "want to own the weather by 2025."(1) No longer a Star Trek or Star Wars movie fantasy, some of this is already a reality with the now more than 60 Clandestine Weather Modification programs that assault us daily. Despite this, there is a weather news blackout about Chemtrails. The exception is meteorologist Kevin Martin who reports Chemtrails on his website.

There has been absolutely NO PUBLIC DISCUSSION about Chemtrails! Over the past 10 years, not one public official has replied to the countless concerned citizen phone calls or letters. That's due to these "programs [being] secret because the Federal EPA and State Environmental Quality Agencies need to ‘not know’ about the by-products of the metabolites of biological, illegal, and [extremely] harmful agents are. It is for that reason the projects [have] been declared secret from citizens. It is all illegal under federal and state law."(2) Congress is complicit in this cover-up. So, we are the unwitting guinea pigs in a now global military assault of such magnitude that they are massive war crimes. Federal agencies may deliberately want not to know, but, nevertheless, Chemtrails continue to affect us detrimentally.

According to United States Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520a, it is illegal "to use a civilian population for testing of chemical or biological agents." Will Thomas, who also has been writing about Chemtrails for a decade, has a Chemtrail Petition to Congress posted on his website:www.willthomasonline.net/willthomasonline/Chemtrails_Congressional_Petiti.html



  1. where are all the enviro-nuts on this subject? it's crazy how few people even notice what is going on over their heads...

  2. It is much worse than some people realize. There are a lot of people who are awake to this project "weather modification".

    However, even among that population, there is a hidden agenda which is unknown by the so-called conspiracy theorists.

    It will end before it gets better.

  3. I use Reynolds Heavy Duty to make mine...

  4. I live in Delmar and I am often outside at night walking my dogs. I am often amazed at the amount of traffic in the sky at night. I just find it hard to believe that all of that traffic is Commercial Airliners. I know there are a lot of commercial flights but walk outside every night and check out all of the traffic. I usually go out in two hour increments because my two dogs could never get their biological needs in sync. My husband thinks I need a tin foil hat also or that I am crazy and he didn't believe me when I told him about the drones flying over either until I took him outside and actually pointed one out to him. They were launching and landing it from Stage Road. I'm talking small drone, not military drone but when it saw it fly and land and relaunch a few times he allowed that he may have been wrong about not believing that I was seeing drones. I don't know what all the traffic is but there sure is a lot of it to be flying over our little peninsula.

  5. 2:20 The ones that say your crazy are sheep. if they could just think for themselves and do a little research they could learn a lot. But that takes work.

  6. 2:20-Yours is a case of an open minded person being married to the opposite.However,the other day while I was sitting in my car on the north side of Sears a drone kept taking off from and landing at Runaway Bay,suggesting that it was owned by a resident.It had amazing versatility and speed & could fly at a considerable altitude.Maybe not exactly what you saw,but more than likely close.

  7. If you believe this is some kind of conspiracy, I have news for you. Condensation trails have been around sense the inception of high altitude aviation.


    Picture of B-24 Liberators flying from the UK during WW-II.

  8. I've seen fewer cuckoos in a clock factory.


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