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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Poll: 70 percent Want Congress to Keep Probing IRS

Most American voters want Congress to keep investigating the IRS targeting of conservative political groups, according to the latest Fox News poll.

Seventy percent say the IRS investigation should last until “someone is held accountable.” That’s down from a high of 78 percent in June 2013. Only about one in five thinks it is time to "move on" (22 percent).

Call it a “kumbaya” question, as majorities of Democrats (60 percent), independents (75 percent) and Republicans (78 percent) support lawmakers continuing to dig.

The new poll also asked why the White House is refusing to release thousands of pages of documents related to the IRS targeting. By nearly three-to-one people think it’s because the administration wants to keep its role in the scandal secret (63 percent) rather than to keep taxpayer information confidential (22 percent).

Even Democrats are more likely to say the Obama White House is withholding documents to hide its involvement (45 percent) rather than to protect taxpayers (35 percent). Another 20 percent is unsure.



  1. Only our votes count.After that we're just wasted space.No one cares what we think.

  2. Our votes don't even count.

  3. When asked "What do you think it will take to fix America?", a young female high school senior responded,
    "It can't be fixed, we have to start over."
    And, she is far more correct then she could ever understand.


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