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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Indiana woman Kay Kise beaten but refuses to give up car to thieves at gunpoint

An Indianapolis grandmother stood up to a bunch of teenage would-be car thieves by refusing to give them the keys to her minivan.

Kay Kise, 67, had just arrived home and was just getting out of her car when three black males approached her.

One of the teens asked her for directions and then pulled a gun on her.
While gathering her belongings, a teenager approached Mrs Kise outside her van.

'He come up to my car and he said, 'Do you know where Hendricks Place is?'' said Mrs Kise.

'I told him it was just two blocks over and continued grabbing my shopping bags. The next thing you know, I turned back around and he had this gun right in my face,' she told WTHR.



  1. Why isn't the Lamestream media talking about this. Where are the protesters? Where is Jessie and Al? Where is Obama, is he being quiet about this because they could be his son. Where are the liberal Democrats? You people make me sick.

  2. If you are white and don't carry a gun you are foolish...We live in a country now where we have to provide some sort of security from black thugs.

  3. I carry all the time, my life is as sacred to me as the any thugs life.
    Maryland law sucks.
    Better to be incarcerated than embalmed.


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