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Sunday, December 28, 2014

North Korea threatens to 'blow up' the White House

After claiming to find 'clear evidence' that the GOVERNMENT was behind controversial Sony film The Interview

North Korea has threatened more attacks against the U.S. government and other American institutions in the wake of the hack on Sony which cancelled the release of The Interview.

The government - which was outraged by the film showing the assassination of leader Kim Jong Un - also claimed to have 'clear evidence' that the U.S. government engineered the project as a 'propaganda' attack against North Korea.

In a ranting post published by the state news agency KCNA, Korean authorities hit back in an escalating war of words in which they say they will 'blow up' the White House - while bizarrely continuing to deny they have anything to do with the cyber attacks on Sony.



  1. I think we should 'give' North Korea one of our best nuclear weapons. The 509th is ready willing and able (as it was in the past) to provide delivery services for the device and could deliver it to the exact spot for the biggest worldwide benefit.

    We've been wanting to reduce our inventory for a while - we can show the rest of the world that we are serious about reducing our inventory and sharing our technology at the same time.

    From one 'boy-king' to another!

  2. Now where does Obama turn? He gave Sony his blessings when he said they should have spoken with him first & he would have advised them to release the movie.Now the greatest minds in politics are trapped with no way out and we the people are caught in the crossfire.The National Guard will be utilized if this movie hits theaters.That will be a pleasant movie going experience,having to go through a metal detector and troops to see a movie.

  3. I for one believe North Korea this. I really dont think they had anything to do with our profiteering, war-mongering government. Now, with that being said, they threaten to blow up the white house??


  4. Sony needs to show some balls and put the movie out and while they are at it they should announce planes for a sequel.

  5. this is propaganda. The North Koreans has already asked for a joint investigation

  6. I have a question. Hoe come North Korea gets to see the movie before it's released in the U.S.?

    And on another note, isn't all this a replay of Hillary's made up story on Benghazi?

    How do movies now control world politics?

    I thought they were made to entertain people who pay to go see them.

  7. 1:20-Will the sequel be where he's brought back from the dead?

  8. Please make sure the obammas are home.

    1. Obama Crooked SocialistDecember 29, 2014 at 4:12 PM

      That would be something. Don't forget 2 invite Biden & Sharpton for dinner as well.

  9. Blow up the white house , not a bad idea.
    And you said the North Koreans were stupid.

  10. With the lacked immigration and no border control they could walk into this country. And with current WH security lacking as it is obummer should be worrying.

  11. "Anonymous said...
    Please make sure the obammas are home.

    December 22, 2014 at 3:42 PM"

    For real 3:42. Make sure they all are there. The last thing we need is the First Liar trying to show off and blame it on racism or something.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Please make sure the obammas are home.

    December 22, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    Could we be so lucky. Wouldn't that be something if NoKo took our trash out for us.
    Personally I would be thrilled and would throw a party to celebrate.

  13. The internet failure today was a direct result of an American attack.


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