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Sunday, December 28, 2014

De Blasio accused of having 'blood on his hands'

Hundreds attack New York City Mayor for backing anti-cop protesters before two officers were shot dead 'in revenge for Garner'

Many are blaming the murder of two New York City cops on Saturday afternoon on Mayor Bill de Blasio following his recent support for protesters in the city marching in opposition to a grand jury's decision to not indict the police officer who killed Eric Garner.

Hundreds have taken to social media to say that de Blasio has 'blood on his hands' and should 'be charged with murder' after the two men were killed 'execution style' in Brooklyn.

What's more, many feel that de Blasio should not attend the officers' funerals, this after many members of the NYPD signed a petition asking that the Mayor not attend their service should they be killed in the line of duty in light of his recent actions.

This as hundreds of NYPD members turned their backs on de Blasio as he entered a news conference Saturday afternoon.

These same officers later lined the streets outside the Woodhull medical Center and silently saluted as the bodies of the two slain officers were taken away.

Pat Lynch, president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said in a statement; 'That blood on the hands starts on the steps of City Hall in the office of the Mayor.'

Mayor de Blasio responded to this, saying in a statement; 'It's unfortunate that in a time of great tragedy, some would resort to the irresponsible, overheated rhetoric that angers and divides people.'



  1. He is a Fn disgrace and needs to resign.

  2. Another Communist bastard. The voters there put him in, they get what they deserve.

  3. The wife should have slapped de blasio in the fn face.

  4. " Anonymous said...
    The wife should have slapped de blasio in the fn face.

    December 22, 2014 at 2:24 PM"

    She would be garbage herself otherwise she wouldn't be his wife.
    You'd have to be one hard up shank to get anywhere near him, much less marry him.

  5. We owe the police respect, gratitude and prayers for their safety. What we don't owe them is a separate justice system designed to insulate them from the consequences of their own poor judgment or wrongdoing. The Brown and Garner cases should have gone to public preliminary hearings before judges who would have determined whether there was reasonable cause to believe that crimes had been committed. It's easy to be skeptical when cases like this are left in the hands of prosecutors in secret proceedings. Even if the prosecutors aren't overly police-friendly, they have to be concerned that the police will turn on them, as they did on DeBlasio, if the case doesn't turn out the way the police think it should. The PBA in New York obviously believes that anyone who isn't totally for them is against them. Make one negative comment, and you're the enemy.

  6. Oh so it seems to me, that if you are against cops, abusing power, murdering people on a whim, Killing beating and tasing people while in handcuffs you must be a THUG and against america and against cops...

    Well then I wear that shoe with pride...

    I don't wish bad things on people but NOW I HOPE cops come after all of you nay Sayers just to prove my point... Because we all know, you don't give two shits because it hasn't happened to you or your family or friends... OH but it will soon enough and then you will cry like a baby, wha wha wha and then you will want to fix the problem but by then as usual it is to late...

    It is funny how STUPID you all are... YOU FAIL TO REALIZE that everyday politicians pass laws that pretty much make you ALL criminals in some way shape or form... AND EVERY SINGLE ON OF YOU WHO THINK YOU FOLLOW THE LAW HAS BROKEN AT LEAST 3 LAWS A DAY without you even knowing because once again you are to stupid to read or research ANYTHING...

    Maybe cops should kill people who speed right? maybe cops should kill people who don't use their blinkers right?Maybe cops should kill you for not turning your blinker on within 100ft of a stop sign right???

    Do you see how STUPID and obtuse you all are? YOU all break the law every day base on the laws on the books and you think because they are small it is ok, well selling lose cigarettes is no more of a crime than you not wearing your seat belt but you all are saying it is ok for the cops to kill someone over it...

    NO cops life is worth more than any one citizen who isn't harming anyone...PERIOD!!! Especially when 1)they KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT THEIR JOB ENTITLES 2)THEY PUT THEMSELVES I BAD SITUATIONS because they want to or because they can, and they know they can get away with it... 3) because since when has any come been indited for killing someone no matter how it went down? Absolutely 0...

    When you have cops, mayors and ex mayors and ex cops saying what is going on today is bad and cops do it on purpose then LISTEN TO THEM YOU DUMB FUCKS...

    WHY IS IT that the supreme court says it is 100% LEGAL TO video a cop, and he knows this too, YET THEY DETAIN YOU ILLEGALLY, abuse you hit you hold you hostage and steal your property?

    It is ok, because you nay Sayers will get your time soon enough and so will the cops.... All patsy's get their just due in the end...

    1. You WILL be next in the police. crosshairs,asshole.

  7. Queensgirl,grand jury proceedings such as were done in these cases outnumber prelims probably something like 100 to 1. Prelims are very rare. To have gone the prelim route would have actually been giving them preferential treatment since it's something almost all defendants aren't afforded.
    I unlike most have read all the Brown/Wilson transcripts. Without fail all the witnesses-all black incidentally- whose recollections didn't mesh with the "hands up" story were fearful for their lives if they testified. The secrecy behind these proceeding is another reason why the grand jury route was the only route feasible. You can't have witnesses living the rest of their lives in fear simply because they were truthfully telling what they saw.

  8. You are clueless Queensgirl. A preliminary hearing, is a right a defendant has AFTER a criminal complaint has been filed and only occurs after a defendant pleads not guilty at initial court appearance.

  9. I was going to respond and correct Queensgirl's assumptions but some have beaten me to it.
    Yes, a prelim only occurs after someone has been charged with a felony.

  10. 3:36 and 3:45: The officers SHOULD have been charged so that a judge, rather than a grand jury, could have sorted it all out. If a judge found insufficient evidence, the charges would have been dismissed.

  11. Read the grand jury transcripts please then try to make an educated guess as to what happened. Sorry cops have it tough out there. Why are we not condeming the acts of those breaking the law in the first place. I hate cops who violate the law. I hate people who prey upon the weak and elderly. I have to hope the cops protect these people from the thug element no matter what color they are. Soryy cops get my vote

  12. It's not the way it works in cases of justifiable homicide/self defense cases Queensgirl. These cases are almost always put before a grand jury to sort out, so the court's time isn't wasted as well as tax payer's money as we saw in Zimmerman. Had a case in MD recently. Cop from NJ found not guilty of murder in a described road rage incident. Overzealous prosecutors who should have gone the grand jury route before filing criminal charges.

    Go to law school and practice criminal defense for 30 plus years then comment on matters related to the law.
    As stated above grand juries are used a lot when witnesses are fearful and there is the potential for harm to come to them. I too read a bit through the transcripts and noticed that witness safety was a concern. According to transcripts the situation "volatile" immediately following the shooting and witnesses scattered.

  13. "Queensgirl52 said...
    We owe the police respect, gratitude and prayers for their safety. What we don't owe them is a separate justice system designed to insulate them from the consequences of their own poor judgment or wrongdoing"

    Queensgirl52 is clueless because this statement is beyond ludicrous.
    Everyday in this country homicides are committed that aren't criminal. If anything what happened in these particular cases is something that's not done to an average citizen. Usually when 5 or more witnesses say the victim was fighting or charging at someone and they get killed that's the end of it as far as the criminality is concerned because self defense comes into play.
    The Ferguson and the NY incidents were aberrations and if it were regular citizens and not cops involved it would have not gone to the extent that it did.
    You are so off base with you thinking Queensgirl52 that it's ridiculous.

  14. There is absolutely no way in good faith a prosecutor could have filed criminal charges in either the Brown or the Garner cases. There were like 7 witnesses who corroborated the officer's story. Prosecutors can't gamble like that. They are bound by an ethical duty as well as a duty to tax payers to use the court system wisely.
    As far as Garner, no intent was involved so it's not something that was criminal. Garner's prior health issues played huge factors in his death according to the med examiner's conclusion. It wouldn't be a leap for anyone to conclude the same actions done to a healthy person would have had a different outcome.

  15. True. We heard daily of people shooting and killing someone like in the convenience store robberies. The shooters are never charged with anything. Prosecutorial discretion is what it is called and when a host of witnesses come forth with the same story as the shooter, self defense comes into play and charges are never filed, nor even does a grand jury hear the case.
    Zimmerman/Martin IS the perfect example. Original prosecutor knew the reality and didn't file charges. It was only after the race baiters got involved and ultimately what happened was the original prosecutor was absolutely correct in NOT filing charges and the big losers were the tax payers because the prosecutors office got a huge chunk of their budget wasted on nonsense which ultimately prevented them from trying other cases that were legitimate.

  16. Speaking of the Garner case and other FL cases like Zimmerman reminds me of Anthony.
    The Garner case would have hinged on medical issues as did Anthony. Those jurors came to the conclusion they did because they weren't shown anything definitive that showed the child was in fact murdered.
    No juror in good conscience could say Garner was killed by the cop alone. His poor health was what caused his death which isn't something any cop would know about.

  17. He does have blood on his hands as do all the race baiters including the boils right in our own midst who allowed the hand's up lie to fester and ooze it's foulness. Their rhetoric has backfired and I as well as many other whites will look at blacks now with more suspicion and a lot of disdain. If that's being racist to some then so be it, but the way they kill each other much less these officers only a fool wouldn't be concerned about them.
    Some may call it racism but it's survival. If blacks can't get ahead it's because they don't use their heads like with all of this. I look at these young black criminals now and I wish some other thug would just gun them down dead so it's one less the cops have to deal with.

  18. 902-Your vulgarity and crudeness speaks to your low class station in life. Both Garner and Brown decided their own fate. This isn't debatable. Millions upon millions of people on a daily basis interact with LE without incident. Black on black crime is epidemic. If blacks are so stupid as to not understand why LE is more apprehensive around them, then they are too stupid to comprehend any explanation.
    One thing I will bet you-I will not be in the police crosshairs ever-You got it-trailer trash.

  19. Obama, holder, sharpton and the rest of them want jihad against the cops because they saw at the Bundy standoff how LE won't turn on their fellow Americans who are peaceful and they didn't like them going against orders. They are trying to create like a thug army type of thing to target LE and others.
    I'm just hoping Obama's "persistent sore throat" is a painful fatal form of cancer. He deserves to die a long slow painful death more than anyone. He's an evil wicked poor excuse for a human being and the world would be better off when he takes his last breath.


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