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Sunday, December 28, 2014


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today praised President Obama’s announcement of a one percent Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for civilian federal employees next year.

“This pay increase for federal workers is well deserved and appropriate, and I’m pleased that the President has made good on the plan that we worked out as part of the Omnibus budget,” Senator Mikulski said. “I’ve been Chairwoman of the Appropriations Committee for two years and today’s decision marks two straight years of COLAs for two million federal employees following three prior years of pay freezes. I’ve always been proud to advocate for federal workers, who work on the front line each and every day on behalf of the American people. Federal employees have been undervalued and underappreciated for too long. Each and every day, federal employees stand up for America. That is why I will continue to work to end the era of government shutdown, government on autopilot and pay freezes.”

As Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Mikulski was instrumental in fighting to end the three year pay freeze for federal employees. Since that time, the President has been able to implement his plan for a one-percent COLA for federal employees on the General Schedule (GS) Pay Scale. The COLA will take effect on January 1, 2015.

Last year, Mikulski was able to end the pay freeze for white-collar and blue-collar federal workers. Senator Mikulski has worked consistently to ensure that spending laws written under her watch put funds in the federal checkbook to pay for COLAs.


  1. Hard Work??? Really

  2. Babs, you're pandering to your voting base.

    Most of them are incapable of getting a job interview for a corporate job that matches their current job description. The federal working environment is difficult to get in to (if you are truthful on your resume to your actual qualifications), unless you are a 'special-group' applicant as the special groups run the system and don't want to be show-up by real workers!

    In order to fix it though, you need to start with qualified and capable people in the entry process - reviewing the resumes not looking for buzzwords. Then, real interviewers to determine communications skills and capabilities.

  3. County workers deserve a COLA too.

  4. Just more pork in that hideous bill. Thanks Boehner.

  5. Too too bad you believe in big government. If government were the size it SHOULD be and not the pork it is there would be a little cola for the workers that were truly NEEDED>

    As it is the private sector determines what govt employees get and until our coffers get bigger the gov's will have to wait.

  6. Listen, SSA just sent me a letter informing me that my monthly benefit check will be REDUCED by 10% (over $1000/yr). Why would I be supportive of any Government employee getting ANY increase?

    It's possible that many people never paid attention to the SSA letter they got and aren't even aware of it.

  7. How do you give a raise when there is NO money??

    When will these idiots realize it has to be run like a real business? Less income/sales equals less pay for workers/management.

    It ain't rocket science. You can not spend more than you take in.

  8. They are already paid too much and too much for the job they are doing.

  9. Gov't can spend without regard to income. They just PRINT more money.

  10. 1:25 PM---Is your SSA benefit check for a disability?

  11. Anonymous said...
    Babs, you're pandering to your voting base.

    Most of them are incapable of getting a job interview for a corporate job that matches their current job description. The federal working environment is difficult to get in to (if you are truthful on your resume to your actual qualifications), unless you are a 'special-group' applicant as the special groups run the system and don't want to be show-up by real workers!

    In order to fix it though, you need to start with qualified and capable people in the entry process - reviewing the resumes not looking for buzzwords. Then, real interviewers to determine communications skills and capabilities.

    December 22, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    Joe posted a picture the other day of these hard working Federal employees. Remember the ones that walked out on their jobs with their hands up and protested the outcome of the Michael Brown and the Garner case. Joe since you don't have a picture for this article you should post that picture of the thugs who walked out on their jobs.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Just more pork in that hideous bill. Thanks Boehner.

    December 22, 2014 at 12:57 PM

    Boner is not a Senator you idiot!

  13. Brian Dayton said...
    How do you give a raise when there is NO money??

    When will these idiots realize it has to be run like a real business? Less income/sales equals less pay for workers/management.

    It ain't rocket science. You can not spend more than you take in.

    December 22, 2014 at 1:42 PM

    They are Democrats. They don't know what the truth is.

  14. She is just worrying that she is headed for the 'Conway' train...outa' there!

  15. Ok, Social Security Benefits have been DECREASED by about $1000/year and everyone is OK with this.

    Sorry for speaking out.

  16. Really Antique Barbie?
    The Terrible 20: Stupid Government Programs That Should Be Cut 20.The "What's Up With Owls" Fact-Finding Commisson ($6 billion)
    19.Keep The Kardashians On TV Legacy Loan Program ($499 million)
    18.Supplementary Assistance to the NAACP (National Association for the Assembly of Cat People) ($40)
    17.Senate Investigative Sub-Committee on Owning Outer Space ($2 trillion)
    16.Dept Of Defense Exploratory Report: "Why Are Clowns Scary?" ($600)
    15.Tourism Earmark: Construction of Mt. Asbestos Kiddie Park (Helena, Montana) ($54 million)
    14.Federal Funding for the Second "Secret" NASA That Deals With All That Weird Alien S*** Like In Those Will Smith Movies ($78 billion)

  17. 1:25 PM, this is what the government wants for us to bash each other who work and not focus on the real issues and it makes it easier for them to do what they will and we the citizens fight over the scraps. Notice welfare never gets cut, free housing, phone etc. Doesn't get cut, it the working class that takes on the burden, just remember divide and conquer, keep drinking that kool aid and fighting the same side and they get what they want.

  18. 2:34 it not that they dont know what the truth is, they dont care.


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