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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Police Respond To Giant

The Salisbury Police Department just responded to Giant as someone just had their purse stolen. You need to be very careful with your belongings this time of year. 


  1. Maybe someone can answer the age old question of why women have to carry a purse everywhere they go.

  2. no maybe they can answer the age old question on how the crime rate has gone down (NOT)

  3. Lack of pockets. And all the amenities we have to have on hand for children, husbands, etc.

  4. Wait!!! Jake Day swears that crime is down. He literally attacked me on that subject. Jim Ireton also claims crime is down.

  5. Crime is not down in Salisbury, I had a State Trooper who is a friend tell me that just last week, a lot of crime is not reported to the public. MD has some of the worse laws so criminals have all the rights and k now they can rob and get away with it.

  6. I asked the cashier about this. They said the person stole her purse and went directly to Royal farms and got cash. When the women called her credit card company the money was already gone.

  7. Crime should be down for as many police here.

    1. How many do you thing are actually working at any given time?

  8. 3 police agency and crime is still up?
    Well dont count the MSP bc there just ticket writers.

  9. To 1:17pm Why do morally corrupt thugs steal things that others work to earn?

  10. Someone else was robbed at the M&T ATM last week in the same parking lot.

  11. Giant parking lot has had more crime over the years. I remember that some woman was shoved in a van, take off, raped and beaten. Too many people walking the lot and not enough security. I have had young men come up and beg for money in that lot. It is not a safe place for a woman alone ...especially after dark. This has been going on for so many years you would think Giant would hire security or at least ask for more patrols from the locals.

    1. Thats bc of the slime that hangs out in the Rear of giant.

  12. If the man who invented the purse had to carry one...

  13. LOL @ ANON 2:26 "Jake Day literally attacked me on the subject!"

    Bahahaha. You didn't report the crime? You're part of the problem! Haha. No, seriously. You're part of the problem. Please leave this town.


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