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Sunday, November 30, 2014

14 Year Old Child Severely Beaten By Salisbury Police Officer Has Been Completely Exonerated

While I had critics out there saying I was nuts to believe a Salisbury Police Officer is "rogue", today we announce the first case involving that Officer is a victory for the VICTIM. 

The case is now about the victims. There has been no concern whatsoever about the victims, including the Mayor and States Attorney. Not a word. 

The boy was beaten severely and the officer admittedly testified he slammed his Aunts head "to the concrete".

The boy has been completely exonerated by a Circuit Court Judge- of any conduct that would warrant a beating. This is non-negotiable at this point. It is the law of the case, after a full day trial.

Obviously there will be more to come. If you'll recall, Mayor Ireton had stated on WMDT that he believed in the Officer's innocence based on the VIDEO he had seen of this incident. Then, (out of nowhere) the Salisbury Police claimed there was NO VIDEO due to technical errors. 

Our original story about this incident is HERE. Then there was this story, 

Ireton Calls Salisbury Attorney Who Sued the City a Liar and Legal Hustler

We have a mayor who would likely be on the front line of protests for Michael Brown (police conduct determined to be lawful) but when something happens on his watch (police conduct determined to be unlawful) he publicly attacks the boys character, then runs and hides after the court ruling.

What say you now Mayor Jim Ireton?


  1. The first of several law suits that the city will be losing in the near future. One rough cop....Officer Aita....will cost the tax payers millions?

  2. The city has insurance. Most likely there will be a cash settlement in each case to avoid huge civil court payouts.

  3. The city may settle out of court. However the officer will be held liable on his personable actions and there will be no settlement.

  4. Sounds like the Chief needs to do some internal awareness training.

    Consider every event, no matter how small is being videotaped from every conceivable angle and it could be potentially reviewed in court.

    Rogue cops in this day and age will get caught more and more frequently....hopefully leading to their demise in this once heralded profession!

  5. We get the direct correlation between this incident and Ferguson.No one was killed here thank goodness but we see where you are going with this.Your timing couldn't be better.

  6. Sounds to me like the State's Attorney did not do their job once again. Is it not Matt Marshmellow's job to oversee what goes to court and what does not. If Matt thought this case was crap should have been tossed way before now.

    Matt is way to busy trying to run the local police departments. Really dude you were a contract attorney when you walked into this elected position. Time for you to have oversight on your own house of cards. Your job is to try the facts. Present your best case. If it is not there then dump it.

    Joe you need to take a long hard look at who gets the great pleas and who goes to jail in this county. Maybe we start there for some oversight. The disparity in stet dockets and Nolle Pros cases speaks volumes to this point.

    If Mary Ashanti had one once of common sense she would see the State's Attorney is playing the role.

    Less time at crime scenes and more time in the court room please Mr. State's Attorney.

    Aita they threw you to wolves. Only thing missing is the apple in your mouth.

    Barb Duncan has become a puppet to liberal politics and that confused Mayor. Jimmy how do you like Matt in your business lol. Matt Marshmellow better follow the nations lead. They spoke loud and clear in Ferguson and they spoke loud and clear this past election. Wake up you are on the wrong side of the tracks. Deflection is cowardly.

  7. It seems a lot of videos"disappear".

  8. Lost video tape huh? Looks like our local pd and mayor are taking lessons from the Obama administration on how to cover your ass.

  9. POST this officers address.

  10. 9:46 AM

    is it just me or does this guy contradict himself in his own comment? lol

  11. Missing videos? Look out Joe they will try to blame you for that too! Did you take the video while you were taking the pill bottle from the pd? *wink wink* lol


  13. 12:51 I think the point he or she is making is the State's Attorneys Office may be overstepping its authority. The police have enough oversight. The Attorney General's Office,F.B.I.,A.C.L.U.,NAACP,Maryland State Special Prosecutors Office, U.S. Attorney General. I don't think this was the place for that post and name calling well that is weak. I will say as someone who has worked law enforcement it appears the State's Attorney has drawn a line in the sand with local officers. I dont think he has a clue how pissed they are at him. I know I have witnessed sick deals made by many of the Asst. State's Attorneys. Matt needs to meet with the troops they are very angry.

  14. 10:57 post YOUR address.

  15. The police have enough oversight. 2:55 PM

    ROFLMFAO. Are you serious?

  16. I will say as someone who has worked law enforcement 2:55 PM

    OH, THAT explains it.

  17. Sounds like the justice system is afraid of being politically incorrect. Hell just get rid of the police since they won't be allowed to do their job anyway.

  18. You watch not being held accountable will reinforce his behavior. We will see this kid again, probably in our penal system


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