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Sunday, November 30, 2014


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) issued the following statement in response to the Ferguson grand jury decision in the Michael Brown shooting case:

“My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Michael Brown, the community of Ferguson and the entire nation during this difficult time.

“I join the Brown family and President Obama in calling for nonviolence. I absolutely support people in their desire and right to gather peacefully. Peaceful protests have been pivotal in expanding civil rights and equal protection under the law in our nation.

“It’s my hope that this national tragedy will inspire communities and law enforcement to end racial profiling and protect all citizens. It’s also an opportunity for Congress to set aside its party differences and put the people first by passing the End Racial Profiling Act. I also support the Justice Department’s civil rights investigation of the Ferguson Police Department and other Departments around the nation, including Baltimore’s.”


  1. That a girl Bab's. Why doesn't she condemn Michael Brown's actions. Robbery, assault on an elderly store owner and assault on a police officer. Michael Brown caused this entire situation but the liberal horde blame everything and everyone but him. Because that's what they do - pass the blame while never accepting any.

  2. You've got to be kidding me, Mini Me, "national tragedy"??? The ONLY reason it is NATIONAL is because of race baiting by Obama and Holder.

  3. What national tragedy happen?!! A common criminal attacked a police officer and the results were he was shot. How in the hell is this a tragedy. To me, it's justice!

  4. my thoughts and prayers are with this nation BABS. they we could have strayed so far off course, that we can celebrate thugs, that we can have such disregard for our police officers, that we can have so called leaders that wnat to race bate for their own gain. i truly pray that we can regain our course where are leaders want to lead us in a noral directioin, not lie to us , not be consumed in their own power

  5. I would like to see what PORK is in that bill that she wants passed!? And racial profiling is perfectly fine. If a white male hurts my family, I don't want them to question Asians to hit some percentage they say is necessary. We already have to do that crap in PRIVATE business, professional and collegiate sports, etc. FFS, did we really lose our SPINE, as a nation? Babs needs to be on the unemployment line.

  6. Anonymous said...
    What national tragedy happen?!! A common criminal attacked a police officer and the results were he was shot. How in the hell is this a tragedy. To me, it's justice!

    November 26, 2014 at 7:11 AM

    The tragedy is that the soft hearted liberals created this monster by race baiting, looting, shooting, burning, criminal protesting and numerous other criminal activities. The tragedy is the fact that whitey looks guilty so a criminal black person can look like a martyr. The tragedy is that traitors like Obama, Holder, Mikulski, their Gov. Nixon and every damn liberal feels sorry that a criminal thug got shot when he should have. That cop was seconds away from being killed and no one even cares about him. Your comment isn't cute, it's very ignorant and immature. Are you really that much of a moron?

  7. “I join the Brown family and President Obama in calling for nonviolence..."

    Is that the part when his stepfather chanted repeatedly to the crowd, "Burn it down!, Burn it down!"

    That kind of non-violence, Babs?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    “I join the Brown family and President Obama in calling for nonviolence..."

    Is that the part when his stepfather chanted repeatedly to the crowd, "Burn it down!, Burn it down!"

    That kind of non-violence, Babs?

    November 26, 2014 at 7:46 AM

    Actually he was saying "Burn the B#$ch Down! Burn the B#$ch Down! Burn the M.F'er Down!!

  9. Woman. Why don't you just stick with the facts and be done with this liberal crybaby crap. Brown was a thug and his parents are worthless.

  10. Hey Babs, the only National Tradgedy is you being re-elected. Get on your broom and go home, sit down and shut up.

  11. How about the outrage from the Salt Lake City shooting and killing of a young unarmed white man by a black police officer? Oh yeah--forgot--it doesn't fit their agenda.

  12. The lady is a MORON

  13. Wilson was racially profiled by Brown.

  14. They Should Work On Passing A " Pull Your Pants Up , Stop Acting Like A Thug And Become A Productive Member Of Society" Act!!!!


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