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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Is Ferguson the new Syria? Obama brings apology for Michael Brown shooting to UN speech about ISIS genocide

President Barack Obama brought the infamous shooting of Michael Brown, a Ferguson, Missouri teen, into his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, citing it as evidence that the United States has 'our own racial and ethnic tensions' that compare to the sectarian genocide and ethnic cleansing plaguing the Middle East.

His remarks focused mostly on armed clashes in Ukraine and on a vicious jihad in Iraq and Syria where a terror group has beheaded journalists for a global Internet audience, where hundreds of thousands have died, and where millions have fled as refugees.

'I realize that America's critics will be quick to point out that at times we too have failed to live up to our ideals; that America has plenty of problems within our own borders,' he told representatives of 193 countries gathered in New York City. 'This is true.'


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