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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Beltway Poll: Race divides D.C. area's opinion on Rice

WASHINGTON -- African American residents of the greater D.C. area are more likely to think Ray Rice's punishment for knocking out his then-fiance last year was too harsh, compared to white respondents, a new survey shows.

Video released last week shows the Ravens running back punching his then-fiance and knocking her unconscious inside a hotel elevator. Following the video's release, the Ravens cancelled Rice's contract and the National Football League announced he was suspended indefinitely.

Some 46 percent of African Americans who participated in the WTOP Beltway Poll say the NFL's treatment of Rice was too harsh, compared to 25 percent of whites who said the same. On the other hand, 32 percent of whites said the punishment was too light, compared to 16 percent of black respondents who said the same.



  1. I'm white and don't see where he's done wrong. If wife complained then you need to defend her. Maybe she's a pain freak.

  2. Considering they think it's OK to beat someone unconscious, that certainly explains why they don't hesitate to conduct their lives in a completely uncivil manner. Parking in "No Parking" zones, driving the wrong way, imposing their music, and having pride in sucking from the system are just a few examples...

    And they want to be treated as equal?!

  3. There's a double jeopardy issue made by the NFL. The NFL commissioner and other top cronies failed to do their job correctly the first time. Therefore, the second punishment to Ray was harsh an most likely unconstitutional.

  4. 3:45 Add jay walking in front of your car, just daring you to hit them.

  5. Why don't they do a study on how many white men "P" sitting down as opposed to how many black men. It would be just as relevant... Bunch of race hustlers, that's all..

  6. Who cares?? Waste of effort.!

  7. 3:48

    Double jeopardy is a judicial defence. It has nothing to do with punishment in the NFL.

  8. It's pretty simple to me. He has a job. If his wife pursues criminal charges and he goes to jail, he will lose his job. If not, and the State does not pursue charges, he remains a free man and able to keep his home and job, unless he messes up at work, where he can be fired.

    Just like the rest of us.

  9. He'll be playing again by October.


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