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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Doctor Admits Profiting by Giving Patients Unneeded Chemo

A Detroit-area cancer doctor accused of putting people through unnecessary treatments and then billing insurers for millions of dollars pleaded guilty to fraud Tuesday, admitting that he knew his patients often didn't need chemotherapy.

Dr. Farid Fata pleaded guilty to 16 charges, including money laundering and conspiracy, without the benefit of a plea deal with prosecutors. U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said she would not negotiate such a "shocking" case and will seek a sentence of life in prison.
"We weren't interested in bargaining anything away," McQuade said.

"His conduct was so egregious," she told The Associated Press on the courthouse steps.

"It wasn't a matter of stealing money but torturing patients by lying to them about having cancer. ... Chemotherapy is poison intended to kill cancer cells."


  1. Use natural options

  2. Give him some of that chemo and see how he feels.

  3. For all breast cancer patients... DO NOT TAKE CHEMO UNLESS OR UNTIL YOU KNOW YOUR ONCO SCORE. Chemo does you absolutely no good if your score is low. I DOES NOT WORK!! If you do not know what this test is....ask your doctor. If you don't get direct answers go to another city...Baltimore...Mercy or Hopkins to find out what this test can mean for your treatment. Don't fall victim doctors making money on cancer patients.


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