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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hillary Clinton Bombshell: Whistle Blower Tells Investigators That State Department Shredded Benghazi Records

Democratic Presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, who oversaw the State Department during the Benghazi attacks that led to the deaths of four Americans, may soon face Federal charges for tampering with and destroying evidence.

According to retired State Department whistle blower Raymond Maxwell, he caught Clinton’s Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff shredding documents in a State Department basement. When he asked the aids, who worked directly for then-Secretary Clinton, what they were doing he says they were told to remove any documents that could be politically damaging. The remaining documents were then turned over to an independent committee that was investigating the attacks.

Though Bill and Hillary Clinton have survived many a scandal, it seems that this one may be quite serious considering her direct subordinates were ordered to destroy, shred and/or remove key documents that could prove damaging to the Obama Administration or Clinton’s Presidential aspirations.

If Maxwell’s claims can be proven or verified by other witnesses or participants Clinton could potentially face federal charges for tampering with evidence and destruction of official documents.



  1. Not a problem. Obama will pardon her.

  2. Ob' will stonewall any efforts to pursue this, by executive order or by his Czars..

  3. what the hell is wrong with this country totally amazing how the Clinton's continuously get away with corruption and the evil they foster and cuddle ...

  4. The guy will end up dead like those that were supposed to testify against the Clinton's in the Whitewater Travel scandal. Probably a suicide with 6 bullets in his head.


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