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Monday, August 18, 2014

What is the difference between http and https?

Don't know how many of you are aware of this difference, but it is worth sending to any who do not.

The main difference between http:// and https:// is it's all about keeping you secure. HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

The S (big surprise) stands for "Secure." If you visit a website or web page, and look at the address in the web browser, it will likely begin with the following: http://

This means that the website is talking to your browser using the regular "unsecured" language. In other words, it is possible for someone to "eavesdrop" on your computer's conversation with the website. If you fill out a form on the website, someone might see the information you send to that site.

This is why you never ever enter your credit card number in an http website! But if the web address begins with https://, that basically means your computer is talking to
the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on.

If a website ever asks you to enter your credit card information, you should automatically look to see if the web address begins with https://.

If it doesn't, you should NEVER enter sensitive information....such as a credit card number, SS #, etc.

1 comment:

  1. My suggestion:

    Use chrome with these extensions

    * HTTP Switchboard (Blocks ads and malicious scripts)
    * Safer Chrome (Warnings on stuff like Passwords over non-secured connections)
    * Javascript Popup Blocker (used to stop websites that like to throw popups despite Chromes option to not allow them)
    * HTTPS Everywhere (switches to HTTPS for sites that have both available)

    Honorable Mentions:
    * F.B Purity-Clean up Facebook (removes ads and junk in facebook)

    In place of HTTP Switchboard:
    * Ad Block Plus (Instead of HTTP Switchboard. Blocks ads and malicious sites)
    * Ghostery (In addition to ABP instead of HTTP Switchboard)
    * Disconnect (Blocks Social buttons like Facebook, twitter, etc)


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