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Monday, August 18, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Obama says Iraqi, Kurdish forces retake Mosul Dam

President Obama says Iraqi and Kurdish forces -- with the help of U.S. airstrikes -- have retaken the Mosul Dam from ISIS militants.

From Fox News


  1. he fiddles as Rome burns

  2. Oh pulllleeeeeaase

    He doesn't even know what a fiddle looks like!

  3. I find it hard for this to be of any interest to while my own country is hemorrhaging to death.

  4. 525, pinpoint air strikes and humanitarian aid/rescue is "fiddling"? Oh I forgot, your remedy is to drop 100k troops into a war zone without a real plan so you can spend another 1 trillion over 10 yrs on the MIC. Obama is playing this perfectly. A little air power to turn the tide of the battle, then let Iraqis fight their own fight on the ground


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