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Monday, August 18, 2014

While in New Hampshire, O’Malley says events in Missouri show need for healing

During an appearance at a Democratic picnic in New Hampshire on Sunday, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) said the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., highlights divisions in the country that will require urgent “work of the heart” to heal.

O’Malley, who is preparing for a possible 2016 White House bid, also touted his work in Maryland, including raising the minimum wage, “driving down” the violent crime rate and legalizing same-sex marriage. He characterized the latter as part of his state’s effort to create “a more open and caring and loving society.”

O’Malley’s appearance in Somersworth, N.H., at an event hosted by the Stafford County Democrats, was his third visit since November to the nation’s first presidential nominating state. An audio recording of O’Malley’s remarks Sunday afternoon was shared by an aide with The Post.



  1. healing?
    Is he crazy?

    It is time to let people know that looting and burning of private property will not be tolerated. It is so embarrassing to watch these grown people act this way.

    Bring in the National Guard, keep the curfew, and shut the town down.

  2. He is so full of manure it isn't even funny!

  3. Shoot first - axe questions later!

  4. Healing hell omally my arse is still trying to heal from your rape of MD hardworking taxpayers.... but you commie types are never satisfied..president you will never be you libtarded dumbass

  5. O'Malley is full of ship.

  6. How many trips do the tax payers have to pay for? Enough with the traveling on our dime.

  7. 5:05 He's probably using some kind of campaign funding to pay for the trip but they should dock him a days pay for every day he's not in the state doing the state's business.


  8. Job well done, OweMalley!

    Charm City where you were mayor, before moving on to greener pastures, is relying on a curfew to try to rein in its lawless inhabitants as you picnic.

    You're a shameless hypocrite!

  9. Rest assured that healing will not happen.If it ever could have it would have by now.Quite honestly I'm a little sick of trying to appease people,especially when I had nothing to do with the situation that they are in.


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