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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Show Some CLASS Laura Mitchell

If we wanted to see udders there are far better cable channels than PAC14!


  1. They need to raise the volume. I had my speakers maxed out and still couldn't hear them. I also noticed the cow and her udders. Disgraceful!

  2. At least Barrie Tilghman kept them semi-concealed.

  3. I guess there is a time and a place for cleavage-a bar room, the bedroom. The council chambers and on someone who is representing a professional position isn't the place nor the time. Some have sunk so low it's unbelievable to those of us who still place a value on decorum within public service.

    1. I agree. "Decorum" would be the correct terminology - not class. She proves that she has no class by her obvious lack of decorum.
      She's probably a big hit around the trailer park.

  4. Not a surprise for me from Laura Mitchell!

  5. Shows that she has NO CLASS, as we all know, but is way out of line for a public servant!!

  6. If we wanted to see udders there are far better cable channels than PAC14!

    There are far better udders on those channels as well.

    GGRRRROOOOOSSSSSS!!! That is Fricken Nasty!!

    She has to be nasty to bed down with her husband. That smiling goof looks like a cross between a gorilla and a pervert clown.

  7. I can guarantee she has never had a positive female role model in her life. She fits the profile. The dress provocatively is one clue as well as her subservience to men is another. She excuses her husbands behaviours as well as was the first in line to make excuses for Jake Day's obeying the law difficulties. It's clear Jim Ireton's leads her around as well otherwise she would have called him out on his mistreatment of Ms Chambers. A strong unencumbered woman does not hide behind the "personal issue" excuse which only precludes you from talking about specifics occuring behind closed doors.

  8. I have seen better udders under a cow!

  9. Yes, tacky and classless of her, but tacky and classless to gone on about it here. You gave her what she wanted with displaying those: attention.

  10. Miguel, Miguel do you like? Huh do you like?

  11. "She has to be nasty to bed down with her husband. That smiling goof looks like a cross between a gorilla and a pervert clown."

    Ask the folks at SU and Albright College about that "pervert clown", aka Prof. Touchy Feeley.

  12. I've said it before & I'll say it again. Cover your breasts laura!
    If you think you are more alluring, you're sadly mistaken!

  13. And women wonder why they can't be taken serious? Exhibit A.

  14. "Ask the folks at SU and Albright College"

    It boggles my mind that any woman would put up with this. I wouldn't. Someone who can't control themselves to the point of ruining their career isn't good enough for me. Then the sexual nature of the incidents, shows that in his mind his wife is a second class citizen not worthy of respect from him.

  15. Really??? If you want to fault someone, fault them on their deeds and/or achievements, not on appearance.

  16. 8:38 Well, then... she's an all around failure.

  17. 8:38:

    Don't get us started.

  18. You have to have class to be able to exhibit class

  19. Shaming someone for such a superficial reason IS low class. When you can't attack their platform attack their appearance? Is that the message?

    Grow up Joe.

  20. 10:22 I don't see the men, on the council, wearing pants that have a hole cut out to show off their testicles?

    She is a gall on the council tree, and should be removed. She does not vote with a competent thought, she is simply a follower, and rubber stamps what Iretons wants pushed through.

    We need thinkers, researchers, people who look into every nook and cranny of proposals, and fixes them for their constituents. You could put a parking bumper in her seat, and get more from it.

  21. Anonymous 10:22, First of all, I can go after Laura's platform and tear her up. There are a LOT of things I know about Laura that the general public isn't aware of. That time will come two weeks before the County election.

    Superficial, really? Maybe you are very young and really like the Britney Spears of the world who hang their boobs out for the public to view but Laura Mitchell isn't from that time and should show some class.

    Considering she is on local television she should reconsider her attire and COVER UP. I think you can ALL remember the images of Barrie Tilghman braless and her see through top. Is that what's next, AGAIN?

    Perhaps this attire is all about distraction rather than concentrating on the topics? Either way, it is insulting and trampy and that's how I see it. I'm confident most others who WATCH PAC 14 would agree, hence the lack of support, aside from you.

  22. You need to grow up 10:22. Maybe in your world it is perfectly acceptable to dress provocatively in a setting that should be the epitome of decorum but in the real world it is not ever acceptable except if you are of a lower class.
    Shame on your own mother for not teaching you that there is a time and a place for everything and a grown woman, at a formal meeting showing cleavage is not ever appropriate and don't you ever forget it. And she needs to be called out on it because it cheapens the serious business of running a government and shows she has not an ounce of good judgment.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Really??? If you want to fault someone, fault them on their deeds and/or achievements, not on appearance.

    August 5, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    Which Sarah are you?

  24. Tie a bell around that cows neck



  26. Gotta have class to show it!

  27. Looks to me like she was working out for a part on 'Cooking with Cleavage' on Food Channel

  28. She needs the advice of a stylist. Looks like a cocktail dress that even if were appropriate for the occasion should have never found it's way on her body. It doesn't suit her style.
    Her hair style, her virtually lack of makeup lends itself to a more tailored look. She's an LL Bean person, not a Victoria's Secret.

  29. What's Prof. Touchy Feeley doing these days? Can't believe that he would settle for her.

  30. I feel sorry for her , she has led a life of husband domination.
    She can't help it if she not pretty , she can't help it if she dumb as a brick. I guess she trying to troll for a boy toy.
    Good luck with that crap.

  31. The picture would be much better if she had a paper bag over her head, oh, nice sweater too, really matches the dress.

  32. i don't even see a neck line, all I see is a no neck woman with a low cut dress

  33. I don't see Victoria's Secret, nor do I see LL Bean. I see "The People of Wal-Mart" in this picture.

    Just sayin'!


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