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Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: "Car shopping in the knee high grass"

This morning, I went to the local Toyota dealership to look at the Rav4's. They are parked in an unmowed field. It is bad enough I nearly twisted my ankle at Nissan wandering around on uneven gravel to see the Murano's and Pathfinders. But when I located the Rav4's in this condition, I quit.

I am sure I will hear the excuse I can shop online, and yes I have, but I still want to see what I am thinking of buying.

Fact is, I was at Toyota in 2012 looking at a Highlander, and it was the same exact way, in the same unmowed field.

What ever happened to having pride in your business?


  1. That does look rather shabby. Gives the impression that they do not care.

  2. Did u smell the septic back there? Ive been twice and oh my it stinks!!!

  3. You have a choice. Go somewhere else!

  4. I think this is their overflow lot. Not 100% sure though. At any rate i was looking a few months ago. Told them what i wanted and they drove it up to the front of the dealership for me to look at.

  5. Spoiler alert: It's because they don't.

  6. Check yourself for ticks if you find yourself in grass this high.

  7. My yard looks like that. It's been wet/ rainy for the last 6 days at my house, but I live a whole half mile away from there. It's probably been drought season over there.

    I usually wait for the grass to dry out before I mow so it doesn't clog up the mower and leave grass pies all over the yard.

    But, that's just me.

  8. This is their overflow lot. Sure, they should probably keep it mowed but the reality is, where would they put all the overflow vehicles in order to mow it? If they left them there and mowed around them or in between them, then there would be complaints that there is grass all over the vehicles. It's a lose / lose situation to you. Typically, if they KNOW you're set on a particular vehicle, they will have someone bring that vehicle out of the overflow lot and up to the front so you can check it out and test drive it. You always have the option of going elsewhere....

  9. Hope there is no sand-bur grass.

  10. This is the case at a lot of Salisbury businesses and coding doesn't get them for violations. Just ride down route 13 north and south and you will see a lot of this there is no more pride in businesses or our highways. What do you think the tourists and businesses look for locations think?

  11. I believe some businesses don't take pride in their property any more, just like some of the neighbors we have.

  12. I truly hope that is a not an employee of the dealership saying go else where. I would have use a pair of very small scissors and they could hand manicuring the lot. No how about cut the grass and keep all property used by the dealership in great shape. Those saying go elsewhere obviously do not own a dealership or a house for that matter. It is lazy employees that are ruining American business.

  13. @8:11 the recent rain has nothing to do with it! that lot always has tall grass and is an EYESORE!!!!

    @8:27 most businesses that actually care would move a portion of the cars - cut the grass - move the cars back - then do the same with the other portion! News Flash of the cars get grass on them then WASH THEM!!!! Stop being soo lazy! Guess what they could hire someone to do that - even if it was once a week! Damn even one of those ILLEGALS could even do that job!

  14. It's your own fault for looking at foreign cars....Go to a Ford Dealer...

  15. Here's a thought. Kill the grass and make it a gravel lot.

  16. if anybody had pride they wouldn't be buying a rav-4.

    Buy American!

  17. If they cut it, they may have to wash the cars!!

  18. It is not their overflow lot. That is where all the Rav4's are.
    They have one or two up front, that is all.
    Think before you post, especially if you are only guessing and do not have a clue what you are talking about.

    Oh and I would consider a ford as long as it is not from sherwood.

  19. How could someone possibly know what vehicle they are interested in looking at unless they pick it out, and to pick it out you have to wade through the grass.
    Dumb logic.

  20. As a mechanic, if they sit too long without being run, the oil settles to the bottom of the oil pan and the engine block rusts and becomes unusable. I would not want a new car that has been sitting too long on a car lot. Battery will also go bad.

  21. Go to Koons in Easton. Got great deal from them.

  22. I wouldn't even walk in that crap to start with. If that is how they present themselves to potential buyers, they do not respect the buyers or themselves.

    Go elsewhere.

  23. I thought the mechanic comment was the funniest ive seen here in a long time... no truth to it but it was funny...

  24. 5:59 actually he is correct about the battery going bad. Would not be the first time a car I wanted to test drive had to be jumped started.

    But glad you made yourself laugh.

  25. Even I cut, a single mom, with a full time job cur my grass between the rain.

  26. Hey where is the city? Maybe Pohanka should take some of YOUR money they "give back" and comply to city and county ordinances

  27. Can't spray grass killer or MDE will fine you out of business,can"t stone the lot unless you want to spend 3 years and thousands of dollars in permits.

  28. Hope now one gets bit by a tick and ends up getting Lyme disease and whatever other co infections the tick may carry. Lyme disease is NO JOKE people!!!


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