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Sunday, August 10, 2014

WCSO Press Release 8-4-14 (Attempted First Degree Murder)

Incident: Attempted First Degree Murder
Date of Incident: August 4, 2014
Location: 7200 Block of Rockawalkin Road in Hebron, MD

Narrative: This morning, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to the Peninsula Regional Medical Center regarding a subject who had been brought into the Emergency Room with extensive injuries sustained during an assault.

Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis has confirmed that 31 year old Zachary Swanson of Hebron was savagely beaten and nearly killed by two cohabitants of a Hebron home in which the three shared with others on Rockawalkin Road. The incident began shortly after 1AM this morning when the suspects, following an argument with the victim, commenced to beating the victim. The suspects then attempted to forcibly carve a unique tattoo, consistent with the Juggalos Cult, from the victim’s arm. Unable to successfully remove the tattoo, the suspects doused the victim’s arm with a flammable liquid, set fire to it, severely burning and charring the same.

After being left on the ground for several hours without medical treatment, the victim was ultimately driven to the PRMC where he was examined and subsequently flown to a Baltimore burn center for further treatment.

Members of the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation have assumed investigative responsibility for this case and have arrested and charged the following two suspects:

1) Paul Martin Hurst 33 YOA, Hebron, MD
2) Cary Lee Edwards 35 YOA, Williamsburg, VA.

Each man has been charged with the following:

1) Attempted First Degree Murder
2) Attempted Second Degree Murder
3) First Degree Assault
4) Second Degree Assault
5) Reckless Endangerment
6) Deadly Weapon

Detectives from the WBI are currently executing a Search Warrant on the Rockawalkin home and on the vehicle used to transport the victim to the hospital. Based on preliminary investigation, detectives are exploring the strong possibility that those involved are affiliated with Juggalos, a cult following of the Insane Clown Posse, an American hip hop duo from Detroit, Michigan, originally known as the JJ Boyz and Inner City Posse, a group that has introduced supernatural and horror-themed lyrics as a means of distinguishing itself stylistically.

Any questions can be directed to the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4891 or 410-548-4898.

Releasing Authority: Sheriff Michael A. Lewis
Date: 4 August 2014


  1. I can't wait to check the comments tonight after I return from the Sharptown Carnival.They should be off the hook.

  2. Stuff like this makes me sick to my stomach to read...hope they pay for their actions!

  3. Juggaloos a cult?? That's freakin hysterical!!

  4. the tides to strong now !August 4, 2014 at 4:59 PM

    Looks like "THE BURY" and surrounding areas are attracting fine young citizens such as mentioned above.I have never seen so much tattooed white trash in wicomico county in my life.They have no job or vehicle but everyone of them walking has enuff tatts to pass a andy capp cartoon strip.Also included is a free obamie phone and as always a cigarette to puff on while they are hoofing it to the next place to lay down ,steal or rape.Soon there will be a sign on RT =50 that says: P.W.T. migrate to 'THE BURY" free is better here.

  5. so what do you think those guys in jail will be tops or bottoms?

  6. We need to take our largest, dirtiest, run-down city, wall it off, and throw all the murdering, raping, ultra violent criminals in there; "Escape From New York" style. Separate them from civilized society, and let them all fend for themselves.

  7. you are what/who you associate with...

  8. Throw intentional maiming in there and I'll be happy with the charges.

  9. Where do these guys meet one another? Is there a bad guy website?

  10. There are some sick people living in Hebron!

  11. Really @4:38 pm? That is what you took away from this story, a minor reference to a thuggish group of individuals as a "cult". Looks like you have your priorities straight.

  12. I'm all for gangs..., chain gangs.
    BTW, 5:04PM I'm in agreement with you Detroit's my nomination.

  13. Screw the justice system...let's just go back to "an eye for an eye" system. Burn those guys alive

  14. No reason to defend a fan of ICP. I'd burn every mammajamma alive who is a fan of that crap. Why? Why not!?!?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Really @4:38 pm? That is what you took away from this story, a minor reference to a thuggish group of individuals as a "cult". Looks like you have your priorities straight.

    August 4, 2014 at 5:49 PM

    Im not him but I did a search on this CULT. They are a little weird, and obviously violent. stop criticizing people if you don't have all the facts.

  16. The first @ 4:59! It truly makes me sick to know there's still people as ignorant and uneducated as you! I am a white male with more tattoo's than I care to count, I have a cell phone and no not a " free obamie phone " , I drink and smoke as the same for most of my friends. However I own my own business, house, vehicles and support my family of 8 with no help from the government! You really should educate yourself before you judge and categorize individuals based on their appearance! Yes you are correct there is too many low life's walking the streets of Salisbury however they aren't all " PWT " as you like to call them!

    1. Aye! I was about to say the say the same. Except I'm a heavily tattooed female that makes damn good money. We own our own business and don't appreciate the inbred jackoffs from Deliverance calling us poor white trash. I've been working since I was 15 and never had handouts from the government. I own all of my insured cars and the house I live in. Don't lump everyone into your shallow thinking.

  17. Seems a little cult like to want to cut/burn a tattoo off a person for a mediocre, gimmicky, borderline satanic, rap group.......I repeat, mediocre rap group. That's some tripped out trailer park type Mickey Mouse club stuff. You are waaaay to attached bros. Guess they don't call em the insane clown posse for nothin' eh? Clowns, check..Insane, check. The "bury" and introducing....The "Bron"

  18. I saw a post on FB by one of the victims neighbors that he passed away. What a senseless tragedy.

  19. They were all are misguided children at one point and society turned its nose up like it always does that tattooed white trash you referred to all are someones son daughter cousin ect. They grow up in the system and come out street kids no one trys to help they just pass judgement hence why these misguided youth turn to such this as cults and gangs they make them feel strong loved a part of something important in a place where no one cares they have each other as for the violence of it could have just been drugs and alcohol induced rage we will never know but as. For the crude comments about white trash instead of judging people why not give them a chance I for one am covered in tattoos attend church and also a college graduate who was once the white trash u speak of no one helped me I did my fair share of garbage and have plenty of skeletons but I'm living proof that if given a chance that tattooed guy being u in line has lived life each tattoo means something to the person wearing it just like every scar has a story so next time instead of passing judgement lend a hand but as for these guys typical drugged up drunk guys who took stuff to far ICP isn't a cult its barely a gang its just kids who felt like outcasts acting out as society wants them to they get called weirdos slk their life they are bound to act like them just like the pretty girl who is called ugly after so many people tell u something h start to believe it start to feel it then ultimately start to live it public service announcement brought to u by a price of poor white tattooed trash

  20. Zach is still alive but badly injured. Prayers are desperately needed for my little brother.

  21. Juggalo's? Hahahahahahahaha. They are beneath "Bronies" in the saddest groups of socially awkward white kids.

  22. I was surprised last year when I saw suspiciouse looking kids during the day pull up in a car hand over a plastic looking bottle thru a window according to google maps the white house near 269 n main st
    yes the place across the street from the church yes I said the church of all places and receive a item in return hmmm what was that ? i wonder anyways that surprised me in hebron but thats not enough evidence these days to do anything or have the police look into it.
    But I do have kids who go to the fair and I was upset about this stuff going on in hebron of all places I come from a big city .

    with that said these posse clowns I suspect didnt have jobs and must have relied on the drug trade to afford there homes etc
    and who else is up at 0100 I suspect partying at night to pour gas on someone I suspect too that at minimun they were drinking

    so maybe hebron has become a haven were posse clowns or dealers
    can do business without much police interference

    maybe this bust will shed some light on whats going on
    and slow down some activity

  23. 248 We are lifting up your brother in prayer. No one deserves to be treated like this. I pray that he will be able to recover from his injuries and give your family strength for his long and difficult road to recovery.

    1. Thank you. We just wish everyone could keep focus on ZACH. What they did to him is heinous and to divert attention away from that by discussing anything BUT what has happened is insulting and heartbreaking. Maybe if ppl cared a little more about how their actions and words affect others brutality like this wouldnt occur and my little brother wouldnt be struggling for his life.

    2. I know Zach personally myself and he didn't deserve this at all. I agree the focus needs to be on ZACH and his recovery. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Be strong and hang in there Zach you will pull through this.

  24. I don't really care about most of these comments, I'm sure if it was any ones brother son uncle or whatever then these comments would be different! I pray that Zach will heal from this, his injuries are sever, his mother and stepfather and sisters are beside themselves. He may lose his arm among a lot of other things. Anyone who condones this type of behavior is outrageous! I pray for the family of this young man. May God hold him tight in his healing arms!

  25. I also know Zach and pray for his recovery. It does not matter what you believe in, listen to, talk like, or what tattoos you choose to cover yourself in, NO ONE deserves to be treated like he was. It's disturbing at best and absolutely disgusting the comments people are leaving here. I hope the 2 responsible get the book thrown at them. Karma will catch them. Sending prayers and support to you and your family Zach!!


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