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Thursday, August 07, 2014

How Obama armed the Islamic caliphate

'About 800 weapons wound up in jihadi arms bazaar'

Jihadists in Benghazi are declaring themselves part of an Islamic caliphate just days after tribal warfare forced American diplomatic personnel out of Libya over fears for their safety.

As WND reported Monday, in a repudiation of the premise advanced by President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the “Arab Spring” was a democracy movement, Libya has descended into lawless chaos in which various terrorist militia, including al-Qaida, vie for power.

With most of the world focused on foreign crises like the Israel-Hamas conflict and the Russian influence in Ukraine, the State Department quietly announced the withdrawal of U.S. Embassy staff on July 26.

Barely a week later, the fate of the war-torn country appears even more bleak.



  1. WHERE IS THE SO CALLED UNITED NATIONS YOU KNOW THE ONES THAT HAD SYMPATHY FOR GAZA AND HAMAS ??? THE PRESIDENT LOOKS LIKE AN IDIOT FOR NOT LEAVING ATLEAST 10000 soldiers in Iraq and drone the shit out of ISIS or maybe this is part of the Obama agenda ???

  2. Treason before our very eyes..yet our congress is incompetent..this community disorganiser has done enough damage he needs to be reigned in...now....HILLIARY IS TOAST

  3. Be patient shore billy's. Soon you'll get another idiot in office and we can attack these morons again. Maybe spend another couple trillion, 5000+ lives, 20000 wounded, and for what? NOTHING.

    1. We backed the wrong idiots then left the country with a vacuum thanks to our pro Islam president now this mess has been getting worse for mod Muslims Christians and Jews so take your head out your A// and get a clue that the prez looks like an absolute Fool and Moron here in America and Europe.

  4. I agree with 2:05, we should bring everyone home, secure our borders, rebuild our military, cease all foreign aid and abide by the constitution.

    1. Yeah and let terrorism spread throughout Europe unchecked ? And sit back her and think nothing will happen here? Keep drinking the Obama cool aid fool.

    2. Yup 100% correct.

  5. 6:12 is right. These people LOVE to fight and kill. They have been at it for 2000 years. WE will not "broker a peace deal" - ever - or solve any of it. They don't want "peace" and never have...
    Let them kill each other. Protect and defend Israel.
    Pick a city and warn them --- the next 9/11 will result in the complete and utter decimation of that city. EVERYTHING, down to the insects on the ground, will be destroyed. Then do it. Then name another city. Preferably in Saudi Arabia.
    THIS they understand.
    The "don't shoot at anyone unless they actually shoot that rocket launcher first", or "don't
    blow the house up where the terrorist just hid because there might be kids in there" and even "negotiations" have only resulted in thousands of Americans killed, many more thousands maimed for life (the VA is there for them , so don't worry), and TRILLIONS of dollars spent -- for what???
    THEY don't worry about who or how many people they kill and look at how well they are doing.
    WE use "surgical" strikes and pansy ass "rules of engagement" and send the future victims food and water (so they will still be alive to be killed later by the fanatics).
    Tell me, which one seems to be working the best?


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