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Thursday, August 07, 2014

I Suggest You Start Giving A Damn


  1. True THAT!!!

    Craig Theobald

    (And a very hip dude!)

  2. too late. Those dominoes have already fallen.
    They been crushed under the Nazi boot heels of the Patriot Act, the NDAA, Homeland Security, a militarized civilian police force, and most sadly, the Congress and the Supreme Court.
    What? Y'all never heard of any of them?
    That's exactly why we are where we are today.
    Ignorance and ignorant cheering.
    Keep it up.

  3. I do give a damn but I don't count, I do vote responsibly and live right but it doesn't matter, the dumbocrats are runining this country.

  4. Without the 2nd, there are no other Amendments or a Constitution.

    Think about that.


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