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Thursday, August 07, 2014

12 States Sue Obama Administration for Regulatory ‘Overreach’

Coal country is striking back at the federal government in the latest “war on coal” battle.

Twelve states are suing the Environmental Protection Agency to deter impending restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants.

The states filed the lawsuit in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday, accusing the EPA of “overstepping its legal boundaries” under the Clean Air Act.



  1. Good. Rake them over the coals and drag then through the mud over the impossible mandates and overreaching imaginary "Goals" they want.

    The EPA is killing our nation, needs to be recognized as doing so, and reigned in totally.

  2. If all 50 states get their act together this madness would stop in a heart beat

  3. The EPA is probably the most dangerous agency within the US gov't. These people are fanatical tree huggers on an agenda, backed up by our traitorous tyrant, equipped with their own army to use without discrimination, IE: the gold mine in Alaska. Where incidentally, their attack proved absolutely nothing. Except how dangerous they are.
    These are extremely hypocritical people, who would see you freeze to death while they scoot on back to their city apartments and consume more resources then any three rural families while producing nothing to augment society.
    They bear watching, period.


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