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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Even President Obama AGREES With My Views On Local Police

Ferguson fallout: Obama opens door to ‘re-examining’ military gear program for local police

President Obama opened the door Monday to re-evaluating a massive Defense Department program that sends military equipment to local police forces, in the wake of concerns about the St. Louis County Police Department's response to riots and protests in Ferguson, Missouri.

"There is a big difference between our military and our local law enforcement, and we don't want those lines blurred," Obama said.

The president spoke at the White House briefing room late Monday, during a pause in the capital from his vacation in Martha's Vineyard. As he has before, Obama walked a fine line in addressing the sustained violence and unrest in the St. Louis suburb over the killing of an unarmed black man by a police officer.

He said most demonstrators are protesting peacefully, but said a "small minority" are not. To those looting and attacking officers, Obama said their behavior "undermines, rather than [advances] justice."

Obama also said "there's no excuse for excessive force by police."



  1. The fact Obama agreed with me tells me There's error in my judgement.

  2. There is a big difference between the two. The national guard has been practicing for years anticipating unrest in America. Placing this kind of equipment in local le hands sends the message they can do something they aren't trained to do.

  3. What puzzles me most is that the majority of sheriffs departments serve papers. This equipment is overkill and might send the wrong message to other sheriffs departments that they can start enforcing the law too.

  4. He's covering his homies in this case! They actually deserve the level of treatment they're getting - but it should be administered by the NatGd instead of local police.

    Generally, I agree that local police forces should not have that level of equipment as they don't really use it to protect us - rather to protect themselves.

  5. You want to act like an untrained animal? You can get treated like one.

  6. Plus a good majority of police officers/sheriff's deputies have never been in the military and therefore have no kind of military training.

  7. Really 1:35 lol cops have more authority than any military grunt. Cops can committ Homicide. They can take one's liberty. Can any soldier do that on American soil. Hell no so think again. I have nothing but respect for weekend warriors but they are not the police. Half of the NG are thugs. Joe you have turned into a real turd lol

  8. 1:42 - what you are stating about the cops here is most of the problem! No military training and/or overinflated ego with the new badge.

  9. I wouldn't dare call Obama a President. BARF!!

  10. Lets NOT explore the character of the decedant! If the store security tapes I saw were authentic, I witnessed a thug commit a strong-arm robbery at which time I saw him assault the store clerk. I wished the store clerk had been armed and shot him and after examining the footage there would be NO question as to the intentions of this guy who is supposed to be an angel. I really wish he had tried his tactics in Texas and he`d have seen some on the spot justice. When is the people (Democrats)going to realize all of the citizens have
    rights and just because a certain ethnic group were mis-treated and ill-used in a bygone era, that DOESN`T give them carte-blanch authority to do WHATEVER THE HELL THEY WANT to the detriment of the rest of the Country. Wake up America and vote accordingly and turn this situation around. Bob Aswell

  11. If there's no need for excessive force, why does Obama claim the right to assassinate American citizens without trial, or forceably detain citizens without charges?

  12. Since the patriot act, which is not patriotic, the citizens of this country have now become the enemy's of this government. I think you will see more and more push back from the citizens as the government imposes more of their will on us.

  13. This all goes back to the USAPATRIOT Act of 2001 and The Homeland Security Act of 2002 and the September 11th attack on America. On the day these bills became law America's future was decided. And, here we are 12+ years later just as it was planned, a brute force takeover by corrupt agenda driven power mongers backed up by federal law.
    Sickening isn't it?

  14. A survey,or poll would have been a better idea with this post.Letting all of these commentors put their mental illness on display is not improving things.

  15. No Patriot Act needed...just shoot the MF, he shoplifted then assaulted, 'nuf said?

  16. I think this is something that everyone but the police can agree upon

  17. This illegitimate government has armed itself to the teeth. The citizens are the enemy.

    "enemies both foreign and domestic"

  18. Just like Mike,he gets what he wants. A $400,000 to $1,000,000,000 toy like we really need it. Hey there's no crime in Wicomico Co. & The Bury. Maybe in the big Apple Ny. This hole in the wall County is a joke just like the ones trying to run it. Starting with Doughboy Pollitt and his cronies,Eddie The Munster Lewis and his wanna-be soldiers. And the list goes on and on. You know I gotta go now the old reruns of Mash are on. Hey Wicomico County residents wake up & smell the coffee. U are all so stupid ,the November Election can't come soon enough. A new executive, sheriff sounds like Spring House Cleaning.

  19. 1:29,

    You must be from Delaware. In MARYLAND, the Sheriff's Office is the CHIEF law enforcement agency in the County with FULL ARREST POWERS. MORE authority than the State Police in that County.

  20. I have the answer to ALL the problems in Missouri. The cops announce that they are pulling out at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow and the town now belongs to the rioters. Anyone who is decent will leave and the reporters won't want to be there without police protection so the whole thing ends in one night. DONE. This town is doomed anyway.

  21. @ 8:09, I wondered the same thing regarding him being from Delaware. Nothing wrong with being a Delawarean (born and raised in DE until I made the big mistake of moving to MD). Their Sheriff's dept has no power at all except for the delivery service.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No Patriot Act needed...just shoot the MF, he shoplifted then assaulted, 'nuf said?

    August 19, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    and neither one of those 'alleged' crimes warrant the death penalty. I must be the only one on here that can remember some of the stupid stuff I did when I was 18. I am in awe of all these perfect law abiding people on here. You have been trained well.

  23. Anonymous said...
    2:44 POSOTUS!

    August 19, 2014 at 3:02 PM


  24. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No Patriot Act needed...just shoot the MF, he shoplifted then assaulted, 'nuf said?

    August 19, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    and neither one of those 'alleged' crimes warrant the death penalty. I must be the only one on here that can remember some of the stupid stuff I did when I was 18. I am in awe of all these perfect law abiding people on here. You have been trained well.

    August 19, 2014 at 9:35 PM

    You must be a soft hearted liberal.

    Is that you Tony Sarbanes, Jr. ?

  25. You must be a soft hearted liberal.

    Is that you Tony Sarbanes, Jr. ?

    August 19, 2014 at 10:10 PM

    And you must be just another hateful fool.

  26. 10:16 Only fools support the Sarbanes klan that are funded by card carrying SOCIALISTS.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:16 Only fools support the Sarbanes klan that are funded by card carrying SOCIALISTS.

    August 20, 2014 at 12:06 AM

    I wouldn't know. Tell us more since you seem to be an expert on Sarbanes


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