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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Another Police Shooting In St. Louis, Just 3 Miles From Ferguson: "Suspect Dead At The Scene"

As St.Louis Post-Dispatch reports,

City police are investigating a police shooting this afternoon in St. Louis.

Police were called to Riverview Boulevard and McLaran Avenue in St. Louis city about 12:30 p.m.

Police shot a suspect who brandished a knife at officers, according to authorities.

The suspect is dead at the scene, police say.

Officers were not hurt, police said.



  1. Brandished is different than attacking...they may have crossed the line here.....

  2. Good don't back down from thugs...if they are running wild breaking the law send 'em to the promised land!!! This is regardless of skin color and / or nationality. Its all they understand.

  3. I would like to think that I would say this even if it were my son. "If you taunt a man with a gun and then apparently charge him, don't be surprised if you get shot!"

  4. Taking a Knife to a gun fight.

  5. Glad to hear it, I hate hearing that shots are fired and the officer misses!

  6. I feel like I want to do something.
    Joe and others. Somewhere I read about a church that wants to organize some fund raisers for the young man (whose brother was killed)who lost his leg when a car hit him.
    Let's show Ferguson and the world that we can get together both blacks and whites civilly and do something positive for OUR diverse community and for this young man and his family! We could make this the biggest event the shore has ever seen. Churches, LE, the NAACP and everyone could be involved.
    I am so sick of the divide in this country anymore and their is NO reason for it.

  7. Suicide by cops. Fired on within 4ft of the officer, while holding the knife overhead with a downward stabbing motion.

    Good riddance.

  8. Do all cops have PTSD??? Are all police afraid that this is their last day on earth? Do all police expect to be shot?? It is really beginning to seem like it. Who raised the steaks on this? Who upped the possibilities in every confrontation?? The CRIMINALS DID. I am certainly very glad that I am not on a police force b/c I know I would use deadly force. People are playing for keeps now...there is little time to wonder anymore. You either rush to judgement or be killed. Sad state of affairs.

  9. Thug threatens cops doesnt back down and dies..... seems right to me. As far as blacks and whites getting together i wouldnt count on it. Too many black people think they are entitled. They refuse to live productive lives, they think the hip hop life is real, then when they dont get what they want they burn and loot their own neighborhoods. The situation will never improve as long as african americans refuse to wake up. Sad but true.

  10. 4:57 you've never been a cop but judge their actions by what the media allows you to read. When you understand there are some dangerous people out there that don't respect authority and will I g to kill an armed police officer. Just think how they'd treat you, untrained in law enforcement, thinking everyone is civil and under the belief that people respect authority. Good luck.

  11. People in England would never put up with this. We know how to handle these issues in a civilized manner. I believe that this country is bloody daft.

  12. Good shooting!

    For those law breakers that don't get shot, dump them on the streets in Chicago and let their peers deal with them.

  13. "People in England would never put up with this." England - phhffft. You're not one to preach - neither are you one to judge. You little ladies will be subject to sharia law in another 25 years.

  14. 3:01 u are an idiot. Vote for another democrat.

  15. Say what you will...England does not have these problems. We get along.

  16. "England does not have these problems. We get along."

    Tell that to Drummer Lee Rigby and the Soldiers of Allah.


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