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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Before You Ask, I DON'T KNOW

If you'll look to the left in the TOP 5 articles of the week, Mayor Ireton Forwards Rick Hoppes To City Council For Fire Chief has mysteriously resurfaced since April 28,2013. 

Why, heck, I don't know but someone picked up on it and it has risen to the top. 


  1. Rick Hoppes is a fat, lying, cheating POS who cut throats to get where he is right now. To show you how Jim Ireton has mental problems Jim Ireton rejected this dirt bag 5 times before he jumped in bed with his enemies and promoted everyone he promised to get rid of. All of Jim Ireton's enemies stayed or got promoted and he turned his back on most of his supporters and thousands of citizens in Salisbury.

  2. "Chief Hoppes currently holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration from Columbia Southern University"

    Fake college degree from a diploma mill. LMFAO. You can't find anything more fake than a matchbook cover degree than this one. Hahahaha.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Isn't he a RACIST?
    April 22, 2013 at 4:12 PM

    Ask a guy named Cropper!


  4. Anonymous said...
    April 22 5:13

    You are wrong and either ignorant or stupid. Search CSU and you'll find it does in fact have a campus and it's in Alabama. Thousands of people are getting their degrees or furthering their degrees on-line these days. This school is designed for firefighters, police and EMS personnel who work shift work and for whom "normal" daytime class hours would be difficult. If you think for one minute that it's easy, go ahead and enroll in a single class and find out just how easy it is...NOT! Educate yourself prior to printing trash.
    April 22, 2013 at 7:43 PM

    HaHaHa!! This is either Fatso Hoppes of Fatso Tull. I've noticed that John Tull has put on about 100lbs since he became Deputy Butt Kisser along with Chief Butt Kisser Hoppes.


  5. Cream rises to the top;
    fat heads for the waistline!

  6. Hey Rick do you remember Ginger Miller?

  7. Hey 1:02 AM I hope you aren't suggesting that Cheef Richard A. Hopeless Deputy Cheef Jon Dull are cream of the crop? LMAO

  8. The Salisbury Fire Department has always been a culture of who kisses ass the most and stabs their Brothers in the back to get promoted. Nice organization isn't it.

  9. Maybe Monday's special closed work session will be to get rid of this unqualified FRAUD!

  10. maybe Hoppes will be selected to fill terry Cohen's council seat!

  11. I second the motion for 8:29 AM

    He is more than likely the worst fire chief the Salisbury Fire Department has ever had. He does not meet the qualifications for this position and he should be dismissed as soon as possible.

  12. Anonymous said...
    maybe Hoppes will be selected to fill terry Cohen's council seat!

    August 20, 2014 at 9:48 AM

    He is not even qualified for that. He lives in the County on Waste Gate Road. What an ironic name for that fat slobs street address.

  13. Rick Hoppes has a brand new laptop computer, ipad and a Verizon wireless card so he can access the internet to follow Sbynews 24 hours a day. Guess who is paying for it?

  14. I say get rid of the fat, overweight buffoon and put a real fire chief in there. While you're at it get rid of all of his chief officers. They aren't qualified either.

  15. It took that lazy man over 20 years to work on and obtain a 4 year college degree? And it was from an unaccredited for profit online college? And the tax payers footed the bill? A fake degree from a diploma mill is fraud and grounds for dismissal. Jake Day does have the balls to take the lead on this one!

  16. Hey Rick I remember ginger weren't you married them?


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