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Sunday, August 24, 2014

BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack

The Gateway Pundit can now confirm from two local St. Louis sources that police Officer Darren Wilson suffered facial fractures during his confrontation with deceased 18 year-old Michael Brown. Officer Wilson clearly feared for his life during the incident that led to the shooting death of Brown. This was after Michael Brown and his accomplice Dorian Johnson robbed a local Ferguson convenience store.
Local St. Louis sources said Wilson suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.” This comes from a source within the District Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.


  1. So basically the shooting was self defense... all you dumba$$ protesters (jesse & al) can go home now

    1. Was Obama and holder right on the Travon case,??? Nooooooooooooooo.

  2. They will all say this a lie and a cover up. The truth does not matter. They want their "justice" not real justice.

  3. The Eye blow out was the result of all the back slapping by the white officers after the shooting.

  4. But the Obama and his RACE BAITERS are still at it....How about We lock up Obama?

  5. Its all falling into place just like the travon martin case, right idiot eric holder?

  6. they didn't know this a week ago?

    1. They knew but us white people. Don't jump the gun like some peeps .

  7. They did know it. Holder wanted the store video withheld and the cop's injuries and his statement not published. The only witness statement given air time was of Mr. Brown's companion who said Mr. Brown did nothing wrong. If you don't count stealing, assaulting a store employee and assaulting a cop, he was an innocent kid minding his own business. So funny that Sharpton identifies shoplifting as a crime but seems to have missed the assault and battery which is clear on the tape. Yeah, it's a contest of equals since neither was armed and the store employee was the same size as Mr. Brown. I'm sure the cop was the same size and hit his own self in the eye. All objective witness testimony to the contrary is made up of lies.

    1. This is called payback reparations,

  8. It seems as though black people believe they're above the law and there are no consequences for actions.

  9. Look at these protesters - they are the democrat's constituency. Elections are coming up. And nothing will get these folks to the voting booth like headlines that say 'innocent little black baby boy shot by psycho white cop'. More lies and manipulation from the media. Use your common sense people.

  10. From the photos it looks like (Hangin out with Sasquatch)

  11. Minds are made up and violence is the rule of the day. The worst of America wants a pound of flesh and if they don't get it the rest of America will pay double. If they arrest this man and charge him with anything....I will just move away and give this country up to the ISIS leaders that are now running it. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  12. The media calls him a 'blacj teenager' but when police gunned down a 19 year old white female in California, with a drill in her hand she was labled a woman! I thought 18 you were considered an adult or is that only if you are not black!

  13. We need to all vote Republican and nothing but. We know where they stand on all this garbage. I will NEVER vote for a person of color again...OR anything other than a conservative party member. Fool me once. W

  14. I am a. Democrat and will be voting for republican.

  15. So the fact that the officer reacted to a potentially disabling blow with lethal force was withheld so that riots could happen, and mayhem could go wild.

    Great plan.

    Without sight, he is in risk of the perp overcoming him and getting his gun and shooting him.

  16. Without sight, he is in risk of the perp overcoming him and getting his gun and shooting him.

    August 20, 2014 at 6:22 AM

    What I was thinking too. Why didn't he just keep them in sight and wait for backup

  17. So we're rioting to support the innocent man who stole, assaulted a store employee and assaulted a police officer? Who resorted to violence first in both situations? The innocent man.

  18. Ya'll are stupid.....

  19. Anonymous said...
    So we're rioting to support the innocent man who stole, assaulted a store employee and assaulted a police officer? Who resorted to violence first in both situations? The innocent man.

    August 20, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    "We" are rioting because a kop killed/murdered an UNARMED person. Then LIED about it. Then violated citizens of Ferguson civil rights.


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