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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Supreme Court Sides With Hobby Lobby On Contraception Mandate

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby that employers with religious objections can opt out of providing contraception coverage under Obamacare.

The ruling deals directly with only a small provision of Obamacare and will not take down the entire law but it amounts to a huge black eye for Obamacare and its backers. The justices have given Obamacare opponents their most significant political victory against the health care law, reinforcing their argument that the law and President Barack Obama are encroaching on Americans’ freedoms.

“Under the standard that [the Religious Freedom Restoration Act] prescribes, the HHS contraceptive mandate is unlawful,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the opinion, which was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Anthony Kennedy.


  1. And for those liberals who want to cry foul let me say this.

    ANY woman can go into WalMart and pick up contraceptives in any form for about $9 a month. Less than what it would cost in a health insurance premium.

  2. Wonder what the "people" will say when it's Muslim owned businesses making "religious based rules". My guess? Whitey won't be too happy.

  3. Thank you for reminding us that it is the woman's job!

  4. And for those liberals who want to cry foul let me say this:

    Maybe you should be required to use contraception so we don't have to put up with your offspring whining either!

  5. The alternative would be for SCOTUS to say that a corporation can not have a voice like a person does...that would have caused a lot more problems for them to deal with.

    Personally, I think corporations should NOT be treated like people - but that genie is already out of the bottle!

  6. It is called cfreedom of religion. Our country was founded on this. People came to America to worship as they pleased and not being required to attend the State church of the it King. Now king Obama would have everyone be a Muslim.

  7. My employer is still required to provide coverage for 100% of my vasectomy. What a big step forward.

  8. Careful what you wish for.......

  9. SAY WHAT....My kings Obama will stop dis wif Executive order YO....

  10. How is it against religious beliefs? Isn't chemotherapy kinda on the same lines?

  11. 1:33 EXACTLY. This ruling would be very different if we were talking about male contraceptives.

  12. Yes but Hobby Looby still gladly pays for vascectomies AND Viagra! Truly is a Man's world.

  13. The world is full of morons, read the RULING , it says that they are not required to pay for certain drugs like the morning after pill aka the abortion pill it says nothing about prevention drugs!

  14. 5:42 is right about one thing.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Wonder what the "people" will say when it's Muslim owned businesses making "religious based rules". My guess? Whitey won't be too happy.

    June 30, 2014 at 12:06 PM

    My guess is that you are a liberal Democrat traitor who need a bullet between his eyes. When the Civil War begins I feel sorry for you proud Democrats.

  16. You are a sick SOB 10:09.

  17. Wow. I need some of the insurance coverage you people refer to --- 100% coverage of ELECTIVE surgery? I've NEVER seen insurance that covered Viagra or ANY surgery that wasn't necessary. I'm calling BS on that line. Name the insurance company --- you can keep your employers name to yourself if you like, but name the company. If you can.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    My employer is still required to provide coverage for 100% of my vasectomy. What a big step forward.

    June 30, 2014 at 1:33 PM

    Anonymous lmclain said...
    Wow. I need some of the insurance coverage you people refer to --- 100% coverage of ELECTIVE surgery? I've NEVER seen insurance that covered Viagra or ANY surgery that wasn't necessary. I'm calling BS on that line. Name the insurance company --- you can keep your employers name to yourself if you like, but name the company. If you can.

    July 1, 2014 at 3:52 PM

    I am not to whom you were speaking, but, I had that done about 30 years ago and I had a five dollar co-pay.

    I had excellent insurance back then, but now I have BCBS. No where near what I used to have, or what I would like to have, but I guess it is better than nothing.


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