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Sunday, July 06, 2014

"Pissed Off Man Confronts Police After They Shot His Dog"


  1. I think this is the one I read about yesterday. The dog was in his OWN fenced in back yard. The officer went into the yard to look for something and felt threatened by the dog. Cops are becoming sissies. Something needs to be done about this and all the other shootings that are taking place with animals and PEOPLE! If they can't use their guns responsibly they should have them taken away!

  2. Arm your dog!Shoot the cop.

  3. 12:56 PM

    It probably is the one you read, but is far from the only one this has happened to. Including in their own backyard

  4. These maniacs are out of control nationwide. They are being indoctrinated into and groomed to be part of hussiens private army that he promised us, and they are too damn stupid to even realize it. Remember who is not your friend when the SHTF.

  5. I would be pissed as well. This officer needs to be fired. If it was a kid in the back yard that made him feel threatened would he shoot the kid? This officer had no business being in that back yard. I am not a fan of pit bulls and not sure what kind of dog this was but the guy was right. He should have backed up and closed the gate. The guy has a right to be upset and nothing will bring that dog back. Dogs are family.

  6. They had no right to be on his property for any reason without a warrant. With a good attorney and a civil suit, this guy should be able to retire real soon. The general public and common citizens or this Country are getting fed up. In a jury trial, the dog owner will win big bucks.

  7. 3:58
    From the picture I saw it looked like a Weimaraner. They were searching for a missing child. Ok we all know that a child comes first before an animal. HOWEVER that does NOT give the officer the right to go into your back yard and then shoot your dog.

  8. They think they're entitled to
    do what ever the H--l they want !

    It's wonderful to have the cells
    that record All actions in cases
    such as this! These type of jerks
    aren't going to get away with what they have in the past!!!

  9. It was a Weimaraner. About as aggressive as a chocolate lab. Actually, most people would think it was a chocolate lab. I have a feeling that these two guys MADE the other officer leave- they are just being as reserved as possible while making a statement. Maybe it is just me but they seem pretty disgusted at what their co-worker just did.

  10. @6:36-Disgusted or not-they will do what they have to do to cover for their "brother". That is the problem. Just like the so called "moderate" muslims (if there really are any), by not speaking out about the problems among their own, they are allowing it to get worse every day. You are either part of the solution or part of the problem. And by the way, the "brothers" are not doing themselves any favors by letting this stuff go on. They will pay the price of a complete loss of confidence by the public. What then?

  11. Anonymous said...
    From the picture I saw it looked like a Weimaraner. They were searching for a missing child. Ok we all know that a child comes first before an animal. HOWEVER that does NOT give the officer the right to go into your back yard and then shoot your dog.

    June 30, 2014 at 4:35 PM

    I clicked on youtube and read the story. It was a Weimaraner. I have never ever heard of a Weimaraner being a vicious dog. I have been saying for years that a Weimaraner will be my next dog, but haven't found one yet. I know that guy is hurt and I would be as well. That trigger happy Pig needs to be fired. Yes I said Pig. He is a worthless Pig that shouldn't be on the job. Get rid of his Nazi @ss before he shoots a human.

  12. Anonymous said...
    It was a Weimaraner. About as aggressive as a chocolate lab. Actually, most people would think it was a chocolate lab. I have a feeling that these two guys MADE the other officer leave- they are just being as reserved as possible while making a statement. Maybe it is just me but they seem pretty disgusted at what their co-worker just did.

    June 30, 2014 at 6:36 PM

    Look back at the female. She thinks something is funny. She is snickering it appears.

  13. Look at 1:55 on the video. The girl really does look like she is laughing. If the guy wasn't to upset about losing his dog he could laugh at the rolls on his belly.

  14. I don't know how he stopped from bitch-slapping that smirking female cop. What was funny?
    Shoot first. Don't think, evaluate, or consider alternatives to killing. Just blast away. Why not? The police are generally protected from the repercussions of whatever they do (the color of right). Thousands upon thousands of videos and official police records prove it. Shoot a police dog and you can get life in prison. THEY trespass on private property, without a warrant and kill YOUR dog and they just leave the scene and go get some lunch. No big deal. WE ARE THE POLICE!!!!!!! The most dangerous gang in this country.

  15. I don't think the female was trying to laugh or make light of the situation. I think it may be more of a nervous smile as she probably did not know to react.

    I'm also thinking she may be animal control since she was not in 'uniform' and did not say a word, at least none that I could tell.

    I will give some credit to THESE cops for not escalating the situation and being sympathetic to the dog owner. I think they understood how this guy felt about the killing of his dog and acted accordingly.

    BUT, it should never have happened in the first place. Even IF the kop needed to search this yard, after seeing the dog he could have, should have, backed out like the owner said and then called animal control to control the dog so no one got hurt.

    Maybe people who do not have pets do not understand, but our pets are more like family than just animals.

    We grieve, mourn when something bad happens to our 'family member'.

    I don't think it has happened yet, but one day kops are going to murder/kill the wrong animal and will have to pay dearly from the animal owner.

    I take that back, a guy in Pa. has done this already. He shot a kop in the face with a shotgun.

    Now there is a dead kop, his family without him, the dog owner distraught, probably dozens of people affected by this event.

    Right or wrong, it doesn't matter. It ALL could be avoided.

    I am sure I am not alone in feeling like I would also kill a kop who murdered any one of my pets. Legally and physically I may pay for that action, but it would not matter at that time.

    If any kop is so scared and/or intimidated by any dog, much less a gentle breed, those kops need to be looked at, evaluated, tested, educated, trained, whatever needs to be done to stop all these needless killings of peoples' pets.


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