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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Jesus would have supported gay marriage, says Sir Elton

Jesus would have supported gay marriage, Sir Elton John has claimed.

In an interview with Sky News’ Murnaghan programme, the musician also said that rules preventing gay clergy from marrying and those which require Catholic priests to be celibate were 'old and stupid things'.

The singer will marry his civil partner David Furnish next year in a 'very quiet' ceremony.



  1. Consider the source. Talented singer; inaccurate theologian.

  2. I'm inclined to wait and see the reception at the pearly-gates!

    If the biblical writings are held to - he will be disappointed!

  3. 'If Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was and the great person that he was, saying this could not happen.

    Jesus was not a Christian he was a Jew. Stick to music Elton and not something you know nothing about.

    1. Correction. Jesus is. He is alive.

  4. Im sure Elton John is a nice guy and I like his music....but does it every strike the rest of you as funny that the same people who rail over the authority of the Church or the Bible then turn around and make pronouncements? Its not okay for the Pope to say "this is a sin" , but it is okay for Elton John?

  5. 11:39 You're talking about a singer versus a pedophilia enabler... opps, I meant head of the catholic church. My bad.

  6. Queen Elton John does not have to worry about getting into heaven along with any other homosexual.

  7. Just because you said it Elton...doesn't make it true.

  8. He needs to keep to singing and wearing stupid get-ups!!! Not who I want giving spiritual advise...

  9. Pretty sure Jesus spoke about love, tolerance, and compassion. Therefore, he would be understanding of situation and respect their wishes.

  10. lol at 4:26, what bible you reading cause mine says specifically those people who do partake in that behavior will not enter heaven, along with idolaters, fornicators, murderers, adulterers, etc.

  11. 4:44 Ok? So, they won't enter heaven. Big deal... shouldn't even be a concern for you, as long as you are going, correct? Why HATE a group of people who do not follow your morals, and values? Where does it get you? If you, yourself, follow the bible, pray, go to church, and are content with the life you live... why care about what the other side is doing?

    Move along, you'll live a longer, healthier life. Too much hate out of christians for anyone to take them serious anymore.

  12. 4:44 This is for you. I am a Christian and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. And you are correct in that it was not a concern for me, but then the other side wasn't content with their situation. So now it gets shoved down my throat every time I turn around. Gay marriage in every state, whether the people voted for it or not. Christian businessmen and women who HAVE to do business with gays and the lifestyle THEY chose. Now we have transgenders who can use men or women's bathrooms because they can't decide which sex they want to be.

    That is where leaving it alone got me. Now I speak out about it whenever I see it. I see the other comments here saying Jesus was for tolerance and would have accepted this. You obviously do not know Jesus. Jesus was not tolerant about sin. We are to repent and turn away from sin, in all of its forms. Men having sex with men and women having sex with women is a sin. It is a abomination in the eyes of GOD.

    As for Elton John and his rantings--they are pretty irrelevant and I really could care less, except for the fact that I do speak out now and plan to every chance I get.

    But don't get it twisted. I don't hate gays. I don't really have any adverse feelings toward gays. I am sorry that they won't enter the Kingdom of God unless they turn from their sinful ways, but I don't hate them. I was taught that as a Christian I am to dislike the sin, not the sinner. I was not taught to HATE anything.

    I was also taught that I will always be a sinner. Just because I am saved does not make me perfect. Our nature is to SIN. So I'll keep working on my sin and I'll keep praying for others and their sins, but I couldn't not say anything because not saying anything is not an option any longer.

  13. I guess we need to condemn the glutinous people too. Wait, I see a TON (pun intended) of fat people headed to church every sunday, guess they'll be right next to the gays getting rejected.


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