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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Liberals Call For Burning Hobby Lobby After Supreme Court Decision

On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that companies with religious objections may opt out of covering contraceptives for women, the Associated Press reported. The news did not sit well with pro-abortion liberals who decried the ruling. Some,Twitchy said, were so angry they called for burning down Hobby Lobby in violent, profane tweets.

"[L]iterally burn hobby lobby (sic) to the ground," one pro-abortion liberal screamed on Twitter.

"I hope all your stores burn to the ground," another person said.

"#HobbyLobby are scum of the earth. Burn every single one down, build a homeless shelter there instead," a third person said.


  1. I stand with hobby lobby.

  2. How would Sarbanes and Caldwell voted???

  3. Uhm who would have figure the intolereance of lefty libtarded baby killers

  4. I guess it is good these Liberals only have matches and not firearms!!!! What a way to talk, no wonder the country is going downhill so fast.

  5. but they are so INCLUSIVE...

  6. How dare anyone (especially the government) tell a private business what they will and won't pay for their employee.

    Good for you Hobby Lobby, for standing by your beliefs.

    Screw you Obama.

  7. So much for the "tolerance" of the liberals.

  8. Liberals are poor excuses for human beings and quite frankly if it meant them spawning one less useless offspring then I think paying would be the greatest idea ever. They need to be weeded off the face of the earth. They do not make good parents.

  9. Liberalism has never made much sense. They want the government and business out of their personal lives but then want to invite them back in by paying for it. When an insurance company is paying for anything it's they who decide what drugs/treatments you will get and now the government has their hand in the decision as well. I have heard several stories in MD, VA and DE that certain drugs people had been taking for years aren't covered under obamacare. One person is lucky enough to be able to pay for the drug out of pocket but the others had to switch. One man who couldn't afford to pay out of pocket is now forced to take a drug that is making him cough which is a side effect. Before his insurance was cancelled because of obamacare his drug that he had been taking for nearly 20 years with no side effects was covered.
    This is the first time in history the FDA is banning drugs because they are too expensive, so people esp those under obamacare are getting inferiour medical treatment and drugs. It doesn't surprise me though. Democrats don't care about their own families and their own children so why in the heck would them care about any else's.

  10. It is sad that religious freedom had to go all the way to the Supreme Court. One would have thought that a simple reading of the constitution would have been enough.

  11. Hey, looks like an opportunity for some target practice. All you need to do is hang out at a Hobby Lobby and wait for the targets to come to you.

  12. If they don't get the results they want, violence is their solution. Sad.

  13. They will not do it. Liberals are cowards. They have no guns so they demand you have none as well. Liberals gain a lot of attention from the MSM because they are pansy's as well.

  14. Nobody says you have to work at Hobby Lobby. Nobody says that you can't receive an obortion or the morning after pill. You are 100% free to do with your body as you please, at your own expense.

  15. Since there is no response that can be explained in reasonable English terms, there is nothing left in the liberals' vocabulary than hate speech.

    Unfortunately, we have to listen to their cr4p as they pee and moan about their "loss".

    However, their threats of arson are not to be dismissed, as they are a crime in themselves, and should be duly prosecuted tomorrow morning.

    And any resulting arsons should be blamed on the claimants.

  16. Chuck Cook has posted this on FB with his hateful rant about Republicans.

    Chuck Cook

    10 hrs · Annapolis, MD ·

    American women, It's now official: the Conservatives on the Supreme Court have decided that your employer now has the right to make your health care decisions for you. Not you. Not your doctor. You, apparently, aren't capable of making that decision for yourselves.

    Let it be noted that the Republican Party supports this move to deny you your own health care decisions.

    Remember this in November.

    Like · · Share
    John Gerard Groncki, Mickey Justice and 57 others like this.

  17. 12:02 - Sounds like it is time for the conservative side to reverse this lying spin!

    It is unfortunate that the only thing they can come up with is the falsehood that their boss controls their reproduction...their boss is only controlling their requirement to conform to a government mandate that goes against their religious beliefs. Their boss never had any control over their acceptance of abortion - although some of them may not remain employed there any more after speaking out against the religious beliefs of their employer.....yes, that termination is illegal - but will happen regardless!

  18. 12:02 Yet, government has the right to make your decisions for you?

    Liberal logic, not even once.

    FFS, practice safe sex, and make good decisions... you won't need an abortion pill. Skags.

  19. Nothing but liberal terrorist

  20. Big mistake by the SCOTUS; this ruling is a slippery slope.

  21. The left.. The party of compassion.. yea right!

  22. When you are under an employee health care plan that's the end of your "choice." There is no degree of "choice." You either have it or you don't.
    My father worked for 40 years for a large municipality. For 20 or so years my parents didn't have a problem with the insurance until the city changed providers and several of the doctors they had been seeing weren't in the "network." Luckily they could afford to drop their previous coverage and buy private plans through CareFirst which gave them much more choices and options.
    I know of a couple who, because the husband works for the federal government have insurance. They have a disabled child, who because of very limited "choices" opted out of fed coverage for the child and pay for private coverage as well.
    So if we are to be honest, when someone else controls what you buy (and you don't have to buy it), it's not a real "choice."

  23. Liberals are sore losers, don't like the decision, yet if it went the other way, they'd complain if conservative took their stance .


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