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Sunday, July 06, 2014

The Hobby Lobby Decision

Let me be clear:

No woman should have her health care decisions made by her boss. Today's Hobby Lobby decision is wrong, and it's a setback for women's health.

We all remember Wendy Davis's historic filibuster last year. For eleven hours she stood up and fought so that women could make their own health care decisions.

Her efforts fell short that night, but they formed the foundation of a movement that will carry her to the Texas Governor's Office this November.

Today is also a campaign finance reporting deadline for Wendy's campaign - a barometer used to gauge support for change in Texas.

Thanks for making your voice heard.

Martin O'Malley
Governor, Maryland


  1. Owe'Malley is true to his lover Obama on this one. If employees want birth control then they can clearly go out and buy it.

  2. IDIOT

    Nobody's boss is deciding health care. They pay for 16 of the 20 types of birth control. They simply do not want to pay for the 4 that cause a woman's baby to be aborted. That is their religious beliefs.

  3. Pregnancy prevention is a convenience not health care. Take some personal responsibility for your own actions. Injuries and illnesses are health care issues.

  4. By my contraception ! Stay out of my bedroom !

  5. Let me be clear. Omally is a liar. Women are free just as they've always been to make their own healthcare decisions.
    I am so sick of democrats and their lies.

  6. It's amazing how democrats do not believe in personal responsibility. First of all you only have control over anything when you are paying for it yourself and that is a stone cold fact. It's called the Golden Rule-He with the gold rules. When insurance and/or the government is paying for something your choices are limited and will be done as cheaply as possibly.
    Secondly, if you can't afford something, don't do it. If you can't afford gas then don't buy an Escalade. If heating/cooling costs are a concern then don't buy a 5000 sq home. If you can't afford shots and food for a pet, then don't get one. The problem is democrats have lost the ability to think, due to the social engineering which is all that public schools are anymore.

  7. I paid for my birth control. No different now than then except people don't want to work now.

  8. Funny, they will still cover Viagra prescriptions and penis implant surgery. Go figure.

  9. 7:12 spot on. O'Malley has mental issues at best...

  10. O'Malley is way off base on this one. This decision has nothing to do with a woman deciding yes or no on a contraceptive. It has all to do about the Government forcing her to pay for something she chooses to be against her religious beliefs. What's the difference in this and the fact that Muslims are exempt from the ACA because it is against their beliefs.

  11. How did this idiot ever become Governor? He has damaged this state far into the future

  12. He's governor 9:47 because democrats are not only intellectually inferior but such common low class trash that they have no problem whatsoever with liars. If Conway and Mathias and all the rest of the democrats running locally really had the best interest of the citizens of MD in mind they would immediately without hesitation correct this misinformation being spewed by this abomination some call governor. It's called having integrity and the local democrats need to start showing some NOW!

  13. Pay for your own damn birth control, like I do! It's only $9 a month at walmart. Do you want your boss to pay for your tampons too? What about condoms? Where does it stop people? Get over yourselves! If you want a job that pays for birth control, seek another employer. They have the right to refuse, you have the right to re-employ yourself elsewhere. That's what makes American the land of the FREE!!!!

  14. O'MALLEY is right that no woman should have her health care decisions made by her boss. And Americans are saying that no woman should have her health care decisions made BY THE GOVERNMENT. The entire ACA is unconstitutional. Judge Roberts ruled that the ACA was indeed a tax. Under the Constitution all tax and spending bills must come from the House of Representatives. The ACA bill came from the Senate and was never approved by the House.

  15. MOM admiring Wendy Davis - is she also "Catholic" ? They ARE the Democrat Party - Conway & Mathias, too.

  16. that's how so called progressives roll, too compassionate to execute child killers, but kill the un-delivered child in the womb

  17. 10:46 That is a good point of where the tax originated. It is a good legal reason to repeal the ACA. Judge Roberts opened the door on his decision that it was a tax. Come on Andy Harris. Run with this ball as a motion to repeal it. You will have the support of the majority of America.


  18. Nobody's boss is deciding health care. They pay for 16 of the 20 types of birth control. They simply do not want to pay for the 4 that cause a woman's baby to be aborted. That is their religious beliefs.

    July 1, 2014 at 5:37 AM

    And the next company says I object to insurance that covers any smoking or drinking related diseases. As long as they can prove that the church they belong to objects to these lifestyle choices than yes you can get out of it.
    It is a pandora's box.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Funny, they will still cover Viagra prescriptions and penis implant surgery. Go figure.

    July 1, 2014 at 8:27 AM

    You just don't get it do you.

  20. Anonymous said...
    MOM admiring Wendy Davis - is she also "Catholic" ? They ARE the Democrat Party - Conway & Mathias, too.

    July 1, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    No Episcopalian is the Democrat Party. They are the ones that believe in Homos and Transgenders.

  21. It's okay to kill a fetus, but we're against the death penalty? What's wrong with this picture?


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