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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Insane amount of GeoEngineering going on over Salisbury MD


  1. talk about your man-made climate change - nothing to see here - move along

  2. Is this a true issue or another conspiracy thing. I think I keep up to date on things, and have not heard of this. Scary though

    What is the reason?

  3. These are just normal contrails from the hundreds of north and southbound flights out of Philly and New York that pass over Delmarva every day.

  4. You people are so naïve.

  5. It has been admitted. They are closing HAARP down. etc. etc. etc.

    And some of you still have ur butts up ur nether region.

    now u can attack me for my grammar

  6. 10:27 Planes leaving Philly fly over the water not the peninsula.
    The flight path from Baltimore does not fly over us either.

    Dude on the video openly stated that he checked flight paths and there were none, guess you missed that part of the vid.

    I guess the hundreds of planes are flying all at once.

    Man you are stupid

    Ask the farmers in the midwest about the contaminated soil, dead crops and what testing revealed was being dumped on us from above.

  7. If you cover your roof with tin foil you are protected.

  8. I am not sure one way or the other about chem trails. I know there was a report out that said in the days immediately following 9-11, with no planes in the sky, that the overall temp went up by a few degrees.

    The trails actually deflect the suns heat out a little. Of course that is not to say that anything is suspicious.

    On another related topic, you all do realize that Salisbury sites right in the middles of the north south flight patters, right? I see multiple planes in the sky at all hours of the night when I know that there are no passenger flights in the air.

    I do not believe these claims of geoengineering, at least not right now.

  9. 11:59 You should also have a helmet... just in case.

  10. 11:53 AM Dead Crops and contaminated soil?

    You do realize that modern farming is nothing but pouring petro chemicals directly onto the earth for nutrients. They no longer rotate crops or planted fields. The land gets no rest so what is left to do is pour poison onto the land. Then once there they continue to spray petro chemicals onto the plants to fight infestations.

    That couldn't have anything to do with it.

    Again the masses are fooled into thinking that technology is the answer when the technology that works has been developed over thousands of years.

    Chemtrails are a red herring.

  11. talk about NORMALCY BIAS - how can you see this and think it is NORMAL?

  12. No one will live forever.We all have to die from something.Harmless chemtrails certainly won't be the culprits.

  13. 11:53. You sir are the stupid one. I often fly directly OVER the shore when traveling from Philly to Floriday ( several times a year). It's not too hard to just look out the window on a sunny day and see the Delaware , Maryland and Virginia beaches while sitting on the port side of the plane traveling south. Or conversely, seeing the Chesapeake when sitting on the starboard side of the plane.

  14. It is on the internet it must be true. You people will believe any thing. Remember the old saying, believe none of what you read and half of what you see.

  15. flightradar.com will show you just how many planes there are in the sky in real time. Its amazing the number of planes that fly over daily. I really don't see the conspiracy theory here.

  16. The first word of the headline sums up the chemtrail crowd

  17. Did anyone hear him say that it only happens when rain is predicted? And you still can't figure out why there would be, (okay, I'll make it easier with capitalization) VAPOR TRAILS?

    Because that's what they've always been called since they were seen at the invention of the (once again) JET ENGINE? And on dryer days they are not seen or less prevalent?

    Anybody here?


    Where's my box of tin foil! LOL!



    Gullibility channel on TV, anyone?

  18. yes 100's of planes flying over us all at the same time. look at the sky in the vid. that is NOT normal and you are stupid to think it is.

  19. 12;17 that's funny. and today was hotter than yesterday but I am sure that is also due to less planes in the air and nothing to do with... weather.

  20. there are some people who will not believe anything and yet make fun of others who do. They will gladly and gleefully walk into any internment camp just KNOWING that no one would do them harm.

    They are presented evidence, admissions yet they still refuse to believe that our own government can and will do us harm.

    Always. There is nothing that would convince them otherwise. Accept it. Move on. And do what you have to do without them.


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