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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Can Bob Culver run the table on Rick Pollitt?

Billiards fans will know that this asks if Mr. Culver will be elected as the next Wicomico County Executive this fall in what is one of the most important contests, another being that for circuit court judge . Consider his "hypothetical" victory based upon the vote that he and Mr. Pollitt received in his respective party primary:

Pollitt (Democrat) - 3,361

Culver (Republican) - 3,841

Now, if that were the general election vote, it would put Mr. Culver in that big office on the third floor of the Government Office Building. Although the primary vote differential is encouraging, let’s consider Pollitt's past performance at the polls.

In 2006, when he was the only significant candidate, Pollitt received 4,789 primary votes, 77% of the Democrat total, then trounced by more than 3,000 votes Ronald Alessi, who was the only serious Republican candidate and won its primary with only 2,308 votes, 39% of those cast. That election is almost meaningless, but not so the one in 2010, when he won the Democrat primary with 3,734 votes, or 69% of those cast. His opponent in the general election, Joe Ollinger, had received more votes – 4,229 – In the Republican primary, but in the general election Pollitt managed to turn the table, winning by less than 1,000 votes (15,022 to 14,110), due in large part to Mr. Ollinger's lackluster campaign.

If this year is a repeat of 2010, when Pollitt played the comeback kid role after the primary, the result will be similar. But there are factors that may prevent that from happening. As noted, in 2010 Pollitt had the benefit of an opponent who either could not or would not conduct an aggressive campaign of the kind necessary to win. Bob Culver cannot repeat that episode if he expects to win. Whether he follows in Ollinger's wake remains to be seen.

Then, there's numerology. In each successive primary Mr. Pollitt has received fewer votes than in the preceding one. And his margin of victory in the general election has decreased -- another sure sign of less affection among the County residents who vote. His narrow win in 2010 shows that a respectable Republican can come close to defeating Pollitt without trying hard to do so. It’s a shame that Joe Ollinger did not conduct a broader campaign rather than simply presenting himself as a successful conservative businessman who wanted to be the one who appointed the school board.

And of even greater significance, in the primaries in both 2006 and 2007 the total Democrat vote for the County Exec candidates exceeded the Republican numbers. Not so this year, when there were no other candidates that Culver and Pollitt.

Now is the time for Mr. Culver to let voters know who he is and how he will be different than Pollitt. And it’s time for those who want him to displace Pollitt to support Bob’s campaign with a contribution. This year the outcome in November could turn on campaign finances and spending.


  1. Rick is very popular with the residents of Wicomico County; he has represented their interests well. Don't expect him to lose his seat anytime soon.

  2. Ricky and his spending ways - and he is the example to too many of the county staff - needs to go to the unemployment line!

    Someone (Hint to Joe and his staff!) needs to have a conversation with candidate Culver in order to find out his intentions.

    It would be unfortunate to need to run a campaign in his stead - but this county really needs a change of command in the GOB!

  3. Some people won't get the meaning of "run the table". It's a pool or billiards term that means one person sinking all of the balls without giving up a turn.

  4. I voted for Rick twice - not again. I am not better off = I'm worse off and this county is in the toilet. Time for change and I think Culver will win. Everyone I know is fed up especially with the top heavy salaries, the growth of the executive office and the legal department - we didn't have these things before and we were in better shape. Poor decisions, poor management and a sense of arrogance by some leaders and department heads...they forget who they work for (us) and Rick doesn't have the strength to stand up to them. Time for him to go.

  5. Then we have the mentality to "vote all incumbents out." Just ask Eric Cantor and Rich Coulburn. I don't vote for R's or D's, I vote on performance in which Pollitt receives an E.

  6. If Rick is so popular with Wicomico County voters, then all those voters are nothing more than ass kissers - Pollitt has ruined Wicomico County and he will continue to do so as long as these ass kissing voters keep putting him in there - Geez voters think before voting - what has Pollitt really done for this county, expect tax us to death. Vote Culver.

  7. Hands down...VOTING FOR CULVER. Rick had 2 terms and hasn't accomplished even the trust issue so it is time for change. Giving someone the opportunity to make the needed changes.

  8. It is shocking that this form of government has just created another layer of government. Something that is extremely upsetting is the legal department. Old form = 1 lawyer New Form = 3 lawyers. Example of a runaway department.

  9. 12:32 glad to see someone else is mystified about the legal dept. Worcester County and Somerset countries have 1 lawyer and Wicomico is getting a third. WTH?

  10. 12:32 glad to see someone else is mystified about the legal dept. Worcester County and Somerset countries have 1 lawyer and Wicomico is getting a third. WTH?

  11. Joe - wish a movement could get started to get all the apathetic and burnt-out, fed up people MOTIVATED to vote these bums out. My concern is that the electorate is so beaten down, that many won't bother to vote. There is a feeling that it is too late or nothing will ever change - and that will keep people from voting. Thoughts???

  12. 11:32 - completely agree. I don't get it. We went from a contractual attorney to a freeking LEGAL DEPARTMENT. That is just plain nuts. What are these people (Pollitt and company) doing that they need that much legal cover. Oh I know, screwing us all over and need to be able to legally justify. SMH

  13. I think we need to get a referendum to do away with county exec job. The county council can take care of things.

  14. I thought "Legal Eagle Baker" said he was going to retire within a few months at the council meeting I attended.

  15. Out of all the posts thus far, 1:50 PM got it right!

  16. Most democrats will find themselves on unemployment this November!

  17. 11:54 maybe if everyone on here would stop claiming fraud every time the is a lose, less people would be apathetic about voting. It becomes a vicious cycle of reading you vote doesn't count so people think why bother.


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