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Sunday, June 08, 2014

What Do You Do When You Learn A County Council Member Is Flat Out Delusional?

Last night Councilman John Hall made some statements quite frankly I must respond to. 

Mr. Hall tried to IMPLY that Wicomico County taxes are less than Sussex County, Delaware. He even stated that they have a street light tax and that the Schools are more expensive. 

The image above is our home in Delmar, DE. Sussex County. We have 7.5 acres of land, a very decent size home, a huge barn, blah, blah, blah. For those of you who have never heard me mention this, the last time the taxes went UP in Sussex County was SIXTY FOUR YEARS AGO. 

We pay $1,205.00 a year for property taxes on 7.5 acres of land. 

Now, Mr. Hall, our Grandson goes to school in Sussex County and our taxes have not gone up. I will add, we live less than a quarter of a mile from the Maryland line and IF we were to pick up this home and place it on land in Wicomico County, (I'm guessing) I'd expect to be paying around $6,000.00 to $7,000.00 a year. 

How many of YOU are paying around $2,000.00 a year, (PLUS) in Salisbury or Wicomico County and do NOT have 7.5 acres of land or a home as large as the one above?

To try to IMPLY that the citizens of Wicomico County can afford a tax increase because it's so cheap to live in Wicomico County is just plain NUTS. Or should I say delusional?

We also own a home in Worcester County. Two acres on the water. The home is a two story, four bedroom home. Our taxes there are, (get this) $800.00 a year!

I guess if enough people feed you enough bullsh!t, eventually you are going to believe it. NOT ME! 

Wicomico County is RAPING you. I am selling everything I own in that County because I have had enough. I have many friends who have placed their homes on the market and are taking major losses just to get out.

When I heard Mr. Hall make these statements, even with a broken hand, I could NOT resist taking the time to peck at the keyboard to produce this story. Why, BECAUSE WHAT I AM TELLING YOU IS THE TRUTH AND NOT A FLAT OUT LIE. 


  1. I own a small 100 year old farm house on 2 acres of land in Worcester County and my taxes are almost $2.000.00 a year. So if you really think about it you don't own anything. It pisses me off that I have to pay any government for the privilege of living on land that I own. And if myself or any other land owner should fall on hard times it can be taken from you in a second by that government.

  2. John Hall is way more delusional the later it gets in the day.He doesn't know a damm thing about what he is talking about, bends his elbow way to much to think clearly.

  3. Yes, John Hall is an idiot with dead cells.

  4. Ok let me get this straight - this man is on the WICOMICO COUNTY COUNCIL IN MD and wants to compare our taxes to that of DELAWARE! That in my opinion is like comparing Apples and HORSE SH*T (also called apples) - same name (property taxes) but totally different! Idiots if you are soo damn concerned about DELAWARE then move there and give the TAXPAYERS of WICOMICO COUNTY, MARYLAND a BREAK!!!!!

  5. Yes John does chew a lot of mints

  6. Sussex County property taxes are low because the assessment values are based on 1974 figures. They have not had a re-assessment in Sussex County since then. Maryland re-assesses properties every 3 years. He is correct in saying that the Sussex County property tax rates are higher than Wicomico, but the assessed values are much lower. So, if you multiply the assessed values by the tax rates, Sussex County is much lower! I have seen multi-million dollar beach houses with taxes lower than mine here in Wicomico County.

  7. 10:41, they haven't raised the taxes because they make it up in corporate taxes. They thought out of the box many years ago.

    Wicomico County only has brain dead politicians who know absolutely NOTHING about how to think out of the box and instead raise taxes each and every year.

    Many have said it and I'll repeat it. You get what you vote for.

    Vote for the person who thinks out of the box and has SOLUTIONS, not EXCUSES.

    Pollitt has over stayed his welcome and needs to go home.

    Let me say this as well. Delaware is fiscally responsible. Wicomico County and Maryland are NOT.

  8. Joe,
    In your next post could you tell us how Bob Culver thinks he's going to overcome the budget problem as county executive?

  9. I looked over the accepted 2015 budget overnight and while I am glad it got passed, there were a few parts I would have liked to have seen done differently.

    Posted by Jonathan Taylor at 6/04/2014 09:20:00 AM

  10. Pickled brain.

  11. I bought a house on just shy of an acre in Fruitland 29 yrs. ago. My property taxes are now well more than twice (almost 3x)what they had been, thanks to Fruitland & Wicomico's greed. My income hasn't gained by anywhere near that much, but yet there's an increase every time you turn around. Add a water bill that averages $265./qtr.(formerly $62.50), & I'm working like mad just to pay the bills. Vacation? Nope, no money in my budget! & I don't have other people's money to draw from, unlike you vampires!! Time to clean house, my dearies!!!

  12. I notice you never did say what you pay in school taxes or other local levies and fees, Joe....

  13. 4:57, Get a grip. I already stated in the article that the school is INCLUDED in my $1,205.00 a year taxes. As for levies, what levies! I simply pay $1,205.00 a year, PERIOD. There are NO additional fees or taxes.


  14. Actually the answer to the question posed is very simple.

    1) Do Not ReElect people who have shown poor judgement based on their voting records.

    2) Be very, very careful about who you vote for as replacements. In my opinion, there are a number of stealth candidates (ala Louweasel and L. Mitchell previously) who will be disasters also.

    Vote carefully, but VOTE!


  16. Not sure why John would be thinking the way he is. Possibly in with the "who's who's of Salisbury??
    He sure is not thinking straight on this one....Not sure if he is in my district but if so, what a disaster!

  17. When I bought my house in 1990, my yearly property tax on two acres of land here in Wicomico was only 550 per year. I live in a basic three bedroom rancher with one bathroom with 1100 sq feet. My yearly property tax last years was 1500. I am terrified what it will be now. in 1990 before the great recession, I was making over 40,000 per year. My job was outsourced to India and I now make only 27,500. How in the hell can anyone afford these increases in taxes and the cost of living has gone up but average incomes have gone down? How about people on fixed incomes and retirees? We as tax payers need to let our elected officials know we cannot take anymore of this!!!!

  18. 8:39am Who are the Who's Who in Salisbury?

  19. John Hall is a loser. Please ask him about that email he sent to John Fredericksen and how he supported Freddy with the Legislative Audit Scandal.

  20. It's like 2% property tax when you live in the city. A modest $150k home is about $250/mo just in taxes. You haven't even touched the principal of the mortgage!


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