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Sunday, June 08, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Shots fired on Princeton Ave In Salisbury

I live on Princeton Ave in Salisbury. There were shots fire at around 11pm June 3rd. The police are still at the scene doing investigations. One boy got grazed by a bullet. I witnessed it all.


  1. No this did not happen because I know that Jim Ireton told us that crime was down in Salisbury.

  2. Trust it definitely did. Whoever wrote this is right. Their car window even got shot out

  3. Anonymous said...
    Trust it definitely did. Whoever wrote this is right. Their car window even got shot out

    June 4, 2014 at 5:59 AM

    Are you that STUPID!!

    4:36 AM was Sarcasm about Jim Ireton.

    Wake Up!!

  4. It can't
    be true I didn't see it in the Daily Times.

  5. You will not hear about anything like this happening anywhere in Salisbury, except right here. TV stations, radio, newpaper, nothing, but just let it happen in Delaware and everyone in Salisbury knows about it, immediately.

  6. "I witnessed it all" Really? so you are cooperating with police I assume? If not, you are just responsible for crime in this town.

  7. Since Ireton thinks crime is down maybe everytime we see one of these stories or the police press releases everyone should send a copy of it and flood Ireton's email.

  8. Did they catch the guy who did it?

  9. I like when the cops say if you saw it then you need to talk. You guys can not keep yourselves safe how you going to protect my family. You get paid to do this crap. Investigate. We have to live here and deal with the gangs.

  10. Jus nother day in da bury

  11. investigating= talking to people who saw the crime. Refuse to cooperate then its your fault the perps got away.

  12. Glad I don't live in the county... I'd have the police called every other night. If I had a dollar for every fox, raccoon, opossum, cat and dog that goes after my livestock... I could pay WI tax increases. They only enter once, though.

  13. 11:47 you dont need eyewitnesses to every crime. Try working the case and not from your desk. Go out and work the neighborhood. Develope some snitches. Talk to people when there is not twenty onlookers. Use your head for something other than a hat rack. City C.I.D. is in a sad state of affairs. No wonder Duncan took murders away and gave them to troopers to work.

  14. 6:27 AM

    Maybe sarcasm is not the way to go. Serious issues need intelligent debate, not jokes and word games.

    The shooter will be caught. No one can keep quiet forever. I'm sure whoever did this is already laughing and bragging to some of his friends. Who, in turn, will tell someone else, maybe even the police if they get jammed up on something.

  15. snitches? wow you are funny, who trusts the Kops enough to want to help them? They could just as easily pin it on the snitch!

  16. Nah snitches get paid well. Cops dont burn snitches lol


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