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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Truer Words Were Never Spoken!


  1. MD voters - don't forget MOM's henchmen on The Shore - Mr Chairman Norm & everybody's friend Jim!

  2. LOL, is this some kind of joke? O'Malley and Brown have been great for this great State. Face it, the GOP is the party of no.

    no vision
    no ideas
    no leadership
    no clue

  3. MOM and OC Jim have created a workers paradise althought if you dont have a job you're are in a real hell.

  4. Maryland voters have gotten what they elected....socialism!

    The future Maryland only deserves better if they vote for better!

    Still looking for that cure for stupidity...

  5. Wow , O'Malley has followed Obama to a tee. Lies and more lies, failed in every category .
    A true cracker .

  6. When you find the cure for stupid, give it to 1:14. He needs a double dose.

  7. 2:12 there is no help for people like 1:14 they are beyond any form of rehab.

  8. LOL 1:14-Your mother raised a fool though no doubt she was a fool herself. Probably another like the obama sleazeball baby momma sleeping with men and doesn't even know who the baby daddy is. Did she give you a ghetto name like barack as well?

  9. Blacks will come out in record numbers and vote for Brown. It doesn't matter that he screwed up the healthcare costing the tax payers many 10's of millions more than it should have. Blacks have very low standards. All you have to be is a black democrat and they will vote for the person. The candidate could be a child molester murderer and they would vote for them. The race as a whole has no morals and it shows in all the social problems they face.

  10. Ah the wonderful brain power of the Eastern Shore bigoted redneck on full display in sequential order 2:12, 2:37, 2:41. It's a wonderful world in the bubble they call home.

  11. Brown really did a number on MD's healthcare site. He only wasted $200,000,000.00 for that disaster then had to fork over another $65,000.000.00 to pay a license fee to use another states working site.

    Seriously,would you hire him if you had a business?

    Owemalley likes to think in terms of Pesos, not dollars.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    Ah the wonderful brain power of the Eastern Shore bigoted redneck on full display in sequential order 2:12, 2:37, 2:41. It's a wonderful world in the bubble they call home.

    May 29, 2014 at 3:34 PM"

    "bigoted, 3:34?" Why don't you try honesty once in awhile! That's the problem with you democrats. You can lie at the drop of a hat. omalley has never done anything positive in his life much less as governor. brown is another nothing who if he weren't black would never have been chosen as a running mate. The dope couldn't even get the MD healthcare exchange working.

  13. 3:34 - Talk about living in a bubble. I bet you would say we are better off now than we were under Bush... even though the economy is worse. You will now say, no it's not. Drive down 13 through Salisbury and niote the closed businesses. You are a Democrap Lemming and can't think for yourself. And frankly, I'm proud to be a RED NECK.

  14. Poor Brown, caught in the wake of disaster.

  15. Obviously, the "democrat" in the room here can not address the truth of the argument and they just lie and change the subject to distract from the truth. (typical Alinsky, Chuck)
    O'Malley and Brown have NOT been great for Md. unless you consider greatness as the destruction of the economy and business through exorbitant taxing amounting to state theft. Between the two of them, they do not have enough morality to fill a thimble. They have collectively done enough damage to Maryland. It's time for some real change.

  16. Mathias is the prodigy of this socialist administration.

  17. We need to vote all incumbents out! They all have had a chance to improve things and all have failed. Somebody, anybody new cannot do much worse! The fact is all states doing well have republican controlled state governments, for the naysayers check the facts before you open mouth and insert foot!

  18. Stupid is as stupid Marylanders voted. You reap what you sow.

  19. "they just lie and change the subject to distract from the truth"

    Lying is one of the many difficulties democrats possess. It goes back to childhood and parents of the common low class type who allowed them to get away with lying.


  20. Chuck Cook said...

    LOL, is this some kind of joke? O'Malley and Brown have been great for this great State. Face it, the GOP is the party of no.

    no vision
    no ideas
    no leadership
    no clue

    May 29, 2014 at 1:14 PM

  21. Anonymous said...
    Ah the wonderful brain power of the Eastern Shore bigoted redneck on full display in sequential order 2:12, 2:37, 2:41. It's a wonderful world in the bubble they call home.

    May 29, 2014 at 3:34 PM

    How do you know they are from the Eastern Shore? You dirt bags don't have enough brains to come up with a good response so all you can come up with is a race card. LMAO

  22. Does anyone know what kind of salary Chuck Cook gets paid from the State of Maryland?

  23. Mathais?Who is he?

  24. Anonymous said...
    Mathais?Who is he?

    June 1, 2014 at 6:47 PM

    It's Josh Hastings idol.

  25. I'm voting for Charles Lollar -- he was easily the best in that debate at SU on Saturday. And he's not a career politician.

    At SU he proposed term limits on the General Assembly and a taxpayers' bill of rights, as well as eliminating the state income tax.


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