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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Check out ‘Beach week’ draws black crowd — and violence Coming to OC June 5, 2014

1 weekend: 3 shootings, 3 stabbings, 3 robberies

Reporters with all the local media had trouble describing what happened over the weekend when 40,000 black people descended on Virginia Beach for a party.

Their audiences, however, did not.

Daniel Johnson was one of dozens of people who had no trouble talking about the lawbreakers and the widespread chaos, danger, thefts, violence and lawlessness they brought to Virginia Beach as part of College Beach Week 2013; a time when black students could “blow off some steam” before final exams.

“Because it was a group of young black college people everyone is scared to say anything for fear of being called a racist,” he said in a post to a Virginian-Pilot news story. “It is what it is – these people come to the Beach and do everything in there [sic] power to intimidate the local and visiting White people at the Beach – rude – disrespectful – dirty and violent – They come here and treat our beach like a toilet On Saturday afternoon I went to the Harris Teeter and a LARGE group of young black visitors were in the parking lot drinking and playing loud music – intimidating locals – I called the police and even though 2 cop cars drove by nothing was done!”



  1. so oc just continues it's downward spiral. anything for a buck! family environment? I think not!

  2. This was 2013 and VA beach pd were not prepared. What happen this year?

  3. 9:26 from what I know about this, OC did not invite this group.

  4. 9:35 - they're never invited...they just show up - bringing their filth and incivility with them. Ever since Obama was elected, it has gotten worse....

  5. saw the article, VA beach handled it properly this year. more cops, more prepared, more OT

  6. Yep O.C. batten down the hatches my friends. Saw what they did years back in Va. Beach. It is sad the actual students are pretty good kids. It is the thugs this event attracts. So many people calling themselves promoters are nothing more then gang members selling dope and women. It is truly sad because the kids should be able to enjoy the event but these hood rats get involved. Good Luck O.C. bring in some outside help. Trust me it will make things run smoother.

  7. I heard they hired Even A. and Lee Sevens problem solved. Lee Stevens gave O.C. Police the weekend off he and Even have this sht under control.

  8. 11:05 Yeah, two drunks "handle s..." OK.

  9. 9:33 i think you just showed how ignorant you are by your comment, which i believe you meant to defend the black crowd. it is sad that the police, or anybody else, have to "prepare" for the black crowd. this fact goes to show that these people do not know how act civilized when they come together in even small groups, let alone the large crowds this article is talking about.

  10. they been kicked out of every beach town they been to. started with jones beach many years ago. Va beach was the only town that made it easy for them to come back every year and do all their bs stuff. guess even they had a breaking point! But don't worry the msp will get them provided they are doing more then 65 mph down rt. 50. No need to worry about riots mass shootings robbery's and such! must be obmama's kids!

  11. Been through a group such as this coming into OC about five times over the past 30 years. Two of the invasions are fairly infamous.
    Here's what to expect:
    1. Total disregard for traffic rules and regulations. (There will be no real, usable, "bus lane" during their stay. They prefer that lane.)
    2. MANY fights. Mostly among themselves, but many with bar personnel due to the clubs and bars refusing to play their music requests, and enforcing dress codes.
    3. At restaurants and in cabs: Absolutely NO tipping. Also, an inordinate amount of "dine & dash" walkouts, and taxi "walk-aways".
    4. At hotels: MANY more people in rooms than agreed upon. There are always numerous reports of hotel hallways filled with people sleeping. Near total destruction of many rooms.
    These are just the facts. It has happened each time without fail. Don't brand me a racist. Just the facts.

  12. I stopped a fight once when they were fighting. I just threw a basketball in front of them to play with.

  13. I've seen what happened in Va. Beach. It was not very pretty. The next year they came, many shop owners didn't even open for business. Some smaller privately owned Motels showed No-Vacancy. Our daughter and family live there and they wouldn't take their children to the oceanfront, as Police were warning people to avoid the area.

  14. 12:39PM
    "... these people do not know how act civilized.."

    Your thoughts and questions are extremely well founded. And, I’m going to give you a truthful answer, all-be-it probably unbearable to those who cannot stand to hear the facts. However...
    The present civilized world earned it over thousands of years. They have had a vast written and spoken language for thousands of years, they have built great cities and lived together in those cities under communal laws for the good of all for thousands of years. They cultivated art, science and invention over those thousands of years. They had a drive to become civilized, and over thousands of years did achieve that.
    The culture you refer to were thrust into that civilized society prematurely a mere 400, or so, years ago by a few greedy “civilized” men, & some of their own, who harvested them from packs in the wild. This culture had, perhaps, a 200 word language, no form of writing, still practiced nomadic “hunter gatherer” lifestyle, used stone tools, had no knowledge of any science and had no drive to further civilize themselves. They were perfectly content living in small packs traversing the land and communicating with a few dozen words. All of this a mere 4+ centuries ago!
    Do I need to go on any further?

  15. @4:34 -- very well written & puts everything into perspective.

  16. Again, just another weekend that our family will be going elsewhere and spending our vacation money. OC is no longer a family resort.

  17. They lack social skill and the ability to be civil. Need to eradicate this species.

  18. 4:34. So youre saying they havent changed much in 400 years? I can agree with that, but not your other hogwash.

  19. TO 6:58:
    Let me ask you this: Exactly WHERE will you be going? Where will you be going to experience the unique things that OC has to offer?
    Disney World? That would work. Just be prepared to max-out the credit cards for that experience.
    My point is this: No matter where you go in today's America, especially to a location that caters to middle-Americans and blue collar types, you run the risk of sharing your vacation with people and groups that you may deem undesirable.
    Even at Disney, my neighbors took their three young kids there about seven years ago not knowing it was Gay Pride Week. ("Why are two daddies kissing?") They went back...but they definitely checked the schedule on the following trip!
    When you're on vacation, you can't "move to the suburbs" to get away from it.
    The trick is to do some research - not just give up on a town like OC.
    Find out which conventions/groups are in the town you want to visit. Some people absolutely hated Cruiser Week. Many others thought it was kinda fun. Same with Biker Week. Same with June Week.
    Then there are these "events" that are not sanctioned or recognized by the town, but they are publicized in local papers and on the internet.
    Don't give up on OC because of a few. Yes, it's more expensive than it was in year's past, but it is still a town that can make great family memories.
    I worked in this town as a kid - and I'm now retired here - but I am recommending to my friends to pass on this upcoming "Beach Week" event, just as I recommend them to stay away if they don't like loud motorcycles during Bike Week.
    It's today's America. We all have to find a way to cope with it.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    so oc just continues it's downward spiral. anything for a buck! family environment? I think not!

    May 29, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    Wow, just wow. Your hatred just won't even let you read and comprehend, will it? Oh, and it is spelled 'its' not it's.

  21. Anonymous said...
    I heard they hired Even A. and Lee Sevens problem solved. Lee Stevens gave O.C. Police the weekend off he and Even have this sht under control.

    May 29, 2014 at 11:05 AM

    You really need to spit Lee Stevens out of your mouth. You are embarrassing yourself.

  22. Anonymous said...
    9:33 i think you just showed how ignorant you are by your comment, which i believe you meant to defend the black crowd. it is sad that the police, or anybody else, have to "prepare" for the black crowd. this fact goes to show that these people do not know how act civilized when they come together in even small groups, let alone the large crowds this article is talking about.

    May 29, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    How you came to that conclusion I have no clue.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I stopped a fight once when they were fighting. I just threw a basketball in front of them to play with.

    May 29, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    You are NOT helping.

  24. Our daughter and family live there and they wouldn't take their children to the oceanfront, as Police were warning people to avoid the area.

    May 29, 2014 at 3:43 PM

    Why didn't the police just do their job? They love to kill other people and pets, why not them?

  25. Your thoughts and questions are extremely well founded. And, I’m going to give you a truthful answer, all-be-it probably unbearable to those who cannot stand to hear the facts. Do I need to go on any further?

    May 29, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    Um, lol no. You went far enough already. FYI, it is albeit. You were close, but since you condemn others for their language, you are fair game for your own mistakes.

    The rest of your comment may have some truth to it, but I think you over-generalized. But I think we all know where you are coming from, massar.

  26. Anonymous said...
    @4:34 -- very well written & puts everything into perspective.

    May 29, 2014 at 5:09 PM

    I really hope that this was written by 434 patting himself on his shoulder and not another dinosaur in the crowd.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Again, just another weekend that our family will be going elsewhere and spending our vacation money. OC is no longer a family resort.

    May 29, 2014 at 6:58 PM

    It hasn't been for decades.

  28. Anonymous said...
    They lack social skill and the ability to be civil. Need to eradicate this species.

    May 29, 2014 at 7:27 PM

    I'm not sure which is worse, your comment or the fact that it got through the mediators.

    1. What I find comical in this repulsive statement, is the fact that we are all the same species. So we would all be wiped out. Idiot.

  29. Let me ask you this: Exactly WHERE will you be going? Where will you be going to experience the unique things that OC has to offer? May 29, 2014 at 7:59 PM

    Yeah, it's unique alright. NOT. It's just one of many tourist traps on the water. You have been there since you were a kid and have never left. Maybe that's why you can't see what OC has become, and has been for quite some time?

    You are going to suggest this person stay in a town, risking not only his, but his family's safety as well? Because he may 'max out his credit cards'?

    How do you know what this person's financial situation is all about?

    The rest of your comment sounds like a travel brochure. You could get a job for obammy. He always needs more liars to polish his turds.

    You, my friend, are living in the past. You may have some wonderful memories from OC, but those are far, far, from the case today, yesterday and the past 30 years or so.

    Enjoy your retirement and I really hope you do not become another statistic in that sewer of a town you call home.

  30. Anonymous said...
    I stopped a fight once when they were fighting. I just threw a basketball in front of them to play with.

    May 29, 2014 at 3:40 PM


  31. Anonymous said...
    Been through a group such as this coming into OC about five times over the past 30 years. Two of the invasions are fairly infamous.
    Here's what to expect:
    1. Total disregard for traffic rules and regulations. (There will be no real, usable, "bus lane" during their stay. They prefer that lane.)
    2. MANY fights. Mostly among themselves, but many with bar personnel due to the clubs and bars refusing to play their music requests, and enforcing dress codes.
    3. At restaurants and in cabs: Absolutely NO tipping. Also, an inordinate amount of "dine & dash" walkouts, and taxi "walk-aways".
    4. At hotels: MANY more people in rooms than agreed upon. There are always numerous reports of hotel hallways filled with people sleeping. Near total destruction of many rooms.
    These are just the facts. It has happened each time without fail. Don't brand me a racist. Just the facts.

    May 29, 2014 at 2:08 PM

    That's a fact Jack!

  32. Anonymous said...
    4:34. So youre saying they havent changed much in 400 years? I can agree with that, but not your other hogwash.

    May 29, 2014 at 7:38 PM

    You are an idiot!! 4:34 was well versed and fact filled. Your grammar is horrible, btw.

  33. Anonymous said...
    TO 6:58:
    Let me ask you this: Exactly WHERE will you be going? Where will you be going to experience the unique things that OC has to offer?
    Disney World? That would work. Just be prepared to max-out the credit cards for that experience.
    My point is this: No matter where you go in today's America, especially to a location that caters to middle-Americans and blue collar types, you run the risk of sharing your vacation with people and groups that you may deem undesirable.
    Even at Disney, my neighbors took their three young kids there about seven years ago not knowing it was Gay Pride Week. ("Why are two daddies kissing?") They went back...but they definitely checked the schedule on the following trip!
    When you're on vacation, you can't "move to the suburbs" to get away from it.
    The trick is to do some research - not just give up on a town like OC.
    Find out which conventions/groups are in the town you want to visit. Some people absolutely hated Cruiser Week. Many others thought it was kinda fun. Same with Biker Week. Same with June Week.
    Then there are these "events" that are not sanctioned or recognized by the town, but they are publicized in local papers and on the internet.
    Don't give up on OC because of a few. Yes, it's more expensive than it was in year's past, but it is still a town that can make great family memories.
    I worked in this town as a kid - and I'm now retired here - but I am recommending to my friends to pass on this upcoming "Beach Week" event, just as I recommend them to stay away if they don't like loud motorcycles during Bike Week.
    It's today's America. We all have to find a way to cope with it.

    May 29, 2014 at 7:59 PM

    You obviously haven't had to deal with these savages have you. Get your liberal head out of your @ss and wake up.

  34. Anonymous said...
    @4:34 -- very well written & puts everything into perspective.

    May 29, 2014 at 5:09 PM

    I really hope that this was written by 434 patting himself on his shoulder and not another dinosaur in the crowd.

    May 30, 2014 at 2:36 AM

    I hope you go to Ocean City and get violated by these thugs.

  35. Refuse them service...If all the business's stick together they could shut it down.

    1. Refuse service based on race? That has a familiar ring to it

  36. "Refuse them service...If all the business's stick together they could shut it down." Oh, but that would be 'racism'. You'd have Dipstick Holder and the rest of the 'Justice Dept' down here in no time. Followed closely by the 'Reverends' Jackson and Sharpton wailing about the evil white devil. Only cash, and lots of it, will make their pain go away.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Refuse service based on race? That has a familiar ring to it

    June 1, 2014 at 10:40 AM

    I don't remember anyone saying it was based on race. The article is about college thugs who just happen to be black. Nothing like you wing nuts wearing out that race card.

    1. Oh, my mistake, I thought this article was about black students, I guess the headline was misleading.

  38. They can't take everyone down if the people stick together. Let them march on O C...They will keep bullying until they're are stood up to...wimps !

  39. "Anonymous said...
    Refuse service based on race? That has a familiar ring to it

    June 1, 2014 at 10:40 AM"

    What are you simple or something? It's not about race, you imbecile it's about a segment of society that doesn't know how to act and potentially putting innocent people in danger.
    Now if we must bring race into this, then we will and it will be told like it is. It just so happened to be blacks that trashed VA Beach last year and made it a nightmare for vacationers who weren't with this group. If they don't want to be discriminated against then they need to act civilized. They have made a dam mess of every inner city in this country. Crime ridden cesspools and if you deny it then you are a God dam liar!

    1. College students ruined every inner city? You are an imbecile

  40. Many OC restaurants and bars are getting schooled by friends in the business in Myrtle and Virginia Beaches, and initiated the following rules:
    1. Credit card ONLY - no cash accepted - for restaurant services. A card is swiped when your order is placed - just as almost every bar in town does. This policy is for EVERYBODY - all customers - (that is important).
    2. A tip of 15% is added to any tables with four or more.
    Again: This applies to everybody. It's legal and is NOT arbitrary to any particular group.

  41. Girls, rip their eyes out with your nailsJune 1, 2014 at 6:55 PM

    Last night 05-31-14, a BLACK DUDE kept going up to White Girls on the Board Walk and rubbing himself on them....he walked into a store and did the same thing....they finally locked him up...

  42. 6:55 was it one of the Ravens lol

  43. Anonymous said...
    Oh, my mistake, I thought this article was about black students, I guess the headline was misleading.

    June 1, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    You are the one that turned it into a race issue, not the color of skin.

  44. "Anonymous said...
    Oh, my mistake, I thought this article was about black students, I guess the headline was misleading.

    June 1, 2014 at 4:49 PM"

    It was about black students and how the crime rate increased dramatically when they descended on VA Beach and it just so happened the crimes were committed by blacks.
    If they want racism eradicated then they need to start acting civilized and respect others rights and the laws of the land. If they want lawlessness and no morals then they need to go and live in Africa where lawlessness is the way of life.

  45. "Anonymous said...
    College students ruined every inner city? You are an imbecile

    June 1, 2014 at 7:46 PM"

    Nice try.
    What are you the product of a public school "education" 7:46?

    You are the imbecile. The paragraph you referenced says no where, as in nothing about "college students." You got it! If you are going to spend time on the computer than take some online reading comprehension courses. It would benefit you to no end as the concept has completely escaped you.

  46. I fell victim to this circumstance after paying for a vacation at a sleepy little resort in VA. We took our grandchildren and though the town very sleepy and laid back for younger children. I had been very liberal up to that point. I am now undecided on most of everything. It would seem that there are groups of people, be they black or gay or purple, who have decided to PUSH THE LIMITS of what is "normal acceptable behavior" popping up in every location. It is beginning to be a darn freak show almost everywhere that you travel anymore. I think that civility is all but dead in this country. People have just decided to be cruel in the most offensive ways possible and that it making YOUR LIFE as miserable as possible because THEY feel entitled to some bend in the universal judgement of right from wrong. Needless to say... we have not been back to that sleepy little town and probably never will again. Once a group of uncivilized creatures decides to drop in on you... you have had enough. It only takes one time. I suggest that Ocean City take this very seriously and that the locals...get out of dodge for the weekend if possible. Don't give them the audience they are demanding.

  47. "They have made a dam mess of every inner city in this country. Crime ridden cesspools and if you deny it then you are a ...liar!"
    June 1, 2014 at 4:15 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    College students ruined every inner city? You are an imbecile"
    June 1, 2014 at 7:46 PM"

    "Anonymous said...
    Nice try.
    What are you the product of a public school "education" 7:46?
    You are the imbecile. The paragraph you referenced says no where, as in nothing about "college students." You got it! If you are going to spend time on the computer than take some online reading comprehension courses. It would benefit you to no end as the concept has completely escaped you."
    June 2, 2014 at 8:05 AM

    This is one of the funnier exchanges I have seen in any comments anywhere. Poor 8:05 seems to have lost sight of the fact that the original post was about "black COLLEGE beach week" and then accuses someone of lack of reading comprehension and calls that person and imbecile. Also a dam is a structure that holds back water. The curse word you are trying to use has a N at the end. In addition if you have to use the lords name in vain(as you did in your 4:15 post) maybe you should refrain from posting.

  48. 2:59
    If your spelling's amiss, you must not diss!

    "and then accuses someone of lack of reading comprehension and calls that person and imbecile."

    That should be an imbecile.

  49. 3:10 Oh boo ho. By the way it's and editing mistake not a spelling mistake. Just like the one above. But of course the spelling trolls are always out and about.

  50. There was an incident about 3 or 4 years ago during Memorial Day weekend. There was a very large group of black bikers from NYC that got into a huge fight on the boardwalk. They were all staying at the Grand Hotel and caused such problems that they were banned. I lived in OC for 15 years and fights and idiocy are common. All races go there and act like jackasses. However, these beach week groups, as evidenced in countless examples, seem to incorporate violence purposely. I will avoid the area this weekend.


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