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Sunday, June 01, 2014

JMB Graduation Keepsake

Nice Keepsake for JMB Grads & Families! This is last night's formal, printed graduation program. Note the "Presentation of the Class of 2013."

Did you people not know that it is the "Class of 2014" before you printed this? 

Common Core here we come.


  1. Education at its best.

  2. When I read that somebody sang "The Greatest Love of All," it took me back to Joe singing at the graduation in Say Anything.

  3. What do you expect from a kleptomaniac faculty dean?
    Mr. Reavis was arrested and convicted years ago for shoplifting... Now we know where all the band students money went!

  4. Oops!!! Amazing. How many hands did this pass through & still came out with the wrong year. Our tax $ at work.

  5. Can you believe Fredrickson had to nerve to stress to the kids about saving money by not loosing their diploma because of the replacement cost. How hilarious!

  6. Manifestation of the current quality of JMB (& WCBOE) education. Wonder how bad it would be if they hadn't gotten that huge new palace to contain the charges.

    Cherish this zenith, Common Core is coming.

  7. This is a tragedy for the students graduating and they should file a class action lawsuit to compensate them for the embarrasssment and emotional distress caused by the BOE and the school for failing to properly proofread the program. Whaaa! A mistake was made and most of the graduating class can't read or write anyway. Next small town drama please.

  8. Dung happens - we learn from mistakes. Take a pencil, put a line through the 13 and write 14 above it would be one solution. Or reprint the program with correct info and mail three to each graduate. Yes a mistake was made, yes it should have been caught before the programs were handed out but it wasn't. Just makes for a funny story for the graduates to tell their grandkids.

  9. 3:05PM

    "...reprint the program with correct info and mail three to each graduate.
    Not a bad idea, kinda like writing sentences 500 times.

  10. They would have got it right, however, they had to cancel the meeting at Goin Nuts, due to your posts on BOE spending. They needed a $800 meeting to change that, and because of you bloggers, they weren't able to. It's for the kids!

  11. Last i knew, the board of education has it's own printing operation. which does programs, etc. no more is sent out to local printers.

  12. Must have been the same person who edited the Benghazi Talking Points Memo...

  13. To 3:05. You sound like you are from the Common Core way of thinking.

  14. stupid is as stupid does...more food anyone???

  15. What would you do to correct the mistake, that shouldn't have been made, but was?

  16. Fix it with a rubber stamp. That's the way it has been done for a hundred years.

  17. We got 2 as we walked in.Both were correct.

  18. Anonymous said...
    What do you expect from a kleptomaniac faculty dean?
    Mr. Reavis was arrested and convicted years ago for shoplifting... Now we know where all the band students money went!

    May 29, 2014 at 2:07 PM

    Could you elaborate more on that please!!

  19. Once a person has been convicted and served their sentence (jail,community service, probation) they have fulfilled their obligation for the crime they committed. Some change their ways and others don't and end up in the system forever. "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" to qoute the King James bible.

  20. Government schools.

  21. And the BOE is asking parents to send in a self-addressed, stamped envelope so they can mail a letter informing us who our childen(s) teacher will be in the fall. No money left in their budget I guess!

  22. So, what did the Class of 2013 present them with?

  23. 5:52 Exactly, but it still should disqualify that person from teaching and mentoring children. (not to mention giving him keys to the music wing when said children are rehearsing diligently with their personal belongings at risk of ransacking by this moron. kinda like a pedophile working in a daycare) His behavior should never have been "tolerated", but thanks to the union and liberals, he's still there preying on children.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Can you believe Fredrickson had to nerve to stress to the kids about saving money by not loosing their diploma because of the replacement cost. How hilarious!

    May 29, 2014 at 2:40 PM

    LOSING. (from your friendly neighborhood spell nazi)

    Once a person has been convicted and served their sentence (jail,community service, probation) they have fulfilled their obligation for the crime they committed. May 29, 2014 at 5:52 PM

    You are correct in that that is supposed to be the way it works. But as everyone knows, it does NOT work that way.

  25. Anonymous says it all.....you call out people by name, but refuse to give yours. Your an internet bully 2:07....the most cowardly type of bully.

  26. 5:41-

    As I recall, he was caught shoplifting jewelry back in '92 from Boscov's. I was in 11th grade back then. Pretty sure on year, definitely sure on crime and location. It was the talk in the school at the time.

  27. just received a message that corrected programs will be available Monday. Pick up at the school.

  28. 1:11 Bully? Cowardly? No.
    Taking up for a klepto that preyed upon and stole from unsuspecting children that look up to you as a role model, musician and educator is cowardly, even more stupid when you use your name. Your liberal attempt at humanizing a criminal that should have been removed from employment near children is bullying. Yes, he did the honorable thing and took responsibility for the theft at Boscovs, but he stayed mum on the bandroom thefts choosing to let the janitor staff seemingly take the heat until it was proved they weren't even in the building and HE was and had the KEYS!

  29. Who edited that???? before printing, LMFAO

  30. Back in the days when I worked at the BOE print shop, we worked very hard at making sure that no mistakes were made, and guess what? we had a few. Most of the time it was a student not graduating but his or her name stayed in the program.

    I think sending a re-print to the parents should be done, take responsibility WCBOE.


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