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Friday, June 06, 2014

Tattoo Artist Gives Nipples And 'Relief' To Breast Cancer Survivors

WASHINGTON -- Most people who visit Vinnie Myers at his Finksburg, Maryland, tattoo shop aren't there to get a black-and-white skull or a colorful full sleeve. Myers' clients come to him for nipples.

Myers started tattooing nipples 13 years ago, when he teamed up with a Baltimore-based doctor to help the doctor fix nipples he'd given his reconstructive breast patients.

"The results were less than what he felt was adequate … So I went down to his office and fixed the ones that he had started," Myers says. "The word slowly kind of got out. Next thing you know, it's all I'm doing."



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. As a 2 x breast cancer survivor, I think this man is really special...and so talented. Thank you for removing the above comment. I can just imagine what some dirty-minded idiots would comment. I know that it seems rather strange, but it is a much needed service. I hope they never have to walk a mile in the horrible journey of cancer. These women just want to be normal again.

  3. Fantastic way to celebrate the end of a hard-fought battle and the victory over cancer.

  4. His business should perk up as October 1 gets closer so the transponders look more realistic so they can look realistic in the ladies room.

  5. See. Even spellcheck doesn't like transgenders.


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