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Friday, June 06, 2014

Hillary Versus the Truth on Benghazi

The liberal media consistently dismiss or condemn hearings into Obama scandals as unnecessary and rabidly partisan, and reach those conclusions before said hearings even begin. That might explain why the public doesn't always line up with that opinion.

A new ABC-Washington Post poll shows 51 percent of those polled support the new House investigation into the scandalous lack of security for our personnel at the Benghazi, Libya, consulate. ABC and the Post found 58 percent think Team Obama engaged in a cover-up, and only 32 percent denied reality and claimed they "honestly disclosed" what they knew.

Perhaps it is because we are approaching the second anniversary of that attack, and this administration simply refuses to account for its actions that night.

Worse yet for the liberals, 50 percent of Americans surveyed disapproved of Hillary Clinton's handling of Benghazi, and only 37 percent approved.


1 comment:

  1. Hopefully this evil tide will end in the next election...it has too or we are doomed...somehow i dont put much faith in either party anymore


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