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Friday, June 06, 2014

NBC, CBS Skip Latest Developments in VA Scandal as It Explodes to New States

The Veterans Affairs scandal engulfing the Obama administration has spread into Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, but only ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday found time to cover the latest developments. GMA news reader Amy Robach revealed, "We're learning those secret waiting lists were also kept at ten facilities in these four Midwestern western states with nearly 100 veterans waiting more than three months for treatment." [See video below. MP3 audio here.]

Despite the eight hours of air time available to the three network morning shows, CBS and NBC avoided the story. ABC allowed 21 seconds. Obviously, the prisoner swap involving a U.S. soldier and five Taliban terrorists has rightly dominated the news. However, The four-hour-long Today show still found time to devote five minutes and 13 seconds on the subject of "six months to six pack" abs. CBS This Morning offered three minutes and 50 seconds to the phenomenon of "urban farming." Clearly, time was available.



  1. You really think for a second the alphabit networks ae going to keep you informed... Wake up!

  2. Sickens me..these people put thier lives on the line for us and they suffer or die??.evil administration.stop giving free educating health care and funds to illegals programs.... VETS FIRST


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