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Friday, June 06, 2014

Softball World Series Event OK’d Even With City Losing Parking Lot Revenue

OCEAN CITY — A request this week for a special event permit for the opening ceremonies of the USSSA Softball World Series opening ceremony on the beach at the Inlet in July touched off a debate about the amount of parking revenue the resort would lose to accommodate it.

On Monday, the Mayor and Council approved a variety of upcoming special events on their consent agenda, including the opening ceremony of the USSSA World Series at the Inlet in July, but not before an interesting debate about conceding a large area of the Inlet parking lot for roughly two to three hours in the height of the summer season.

The USSSA World Series, held in Wicomico County, last year attracted roughly 1,500 athletes on teams from all over the region and the opening ceremony was held on the beach at the Inlet.



  1. I didn't click on the link to read the entire article but it seems counterproductive and quite hypocritical to close the lot anytime during peak months. Every time you turn around they are attempting to add more paid parking and raising fees on something or other. Move the ceremony to one of the many parks in the town. Maybe the one where the Winter Fest is set up.

  2. I would love to go! How can I buy tickets??


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