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Friday, June 06, 2014

Bob Woodward: White House in 'Unfortunate Bubble' of Isolation

The Obama White House doesn't seek advice from anyone when it makes controversial moves such as exchanging five terrorists for a U.S. soldier, says The Washington Post's Bob Woodward, and that go-it-alone attitude often comes back to bite the administration.

"You see that there's that unfortunate bubble in the White House where they are too often isolated on something like this," Woodward said Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor."

Woodward, who served in the U.S. Navy, says he finds it hard to criticize Obama's actions to free Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl on Saturday "except from a management point of view."



  1. Here's my issue. When Countries have a prisoner of war exchange it is between to Countries who are or were at war with each other. The Taliban is not a Country, it's a terrorist organization. This stupid move by Obama BROKE THE LAW.

  2. Obama's blunder has put a price on every American's head in the countries abroad.

  3. Valerie Jarrett made this decision.
    Look her up.


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